EMMA Coverage Report (generated Sun Feb 05 10:43:15 CET 2012)
[all classes][de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.policies]

COVERAGE SUMMARY FOR SOURCE FILE [ComposedProvidingRequiringEntityCanonicalEditPolicy.java]

nameclass, %method, %block, %line, %
ComposedProvidingRequiringEntityCanonicalEditPolicy.java0%   (0/1)0%   (0/18)0%   (0/1044)0%   (0/305)


nameclass, %method, %block, %line, %
class ComposedProvidingRequiringEntityCanonicalEditPolicy0%   (0/1)0%   (0/18)0%   (0/1044)0%   (0/305)
ComposedProvidingRequiringEntityCanonicalEditPolicy (): void 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/3)0%   (0/1)
collectAllLinks (View, Map): Collection 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/465)0%   (0/131)
createConnections (Collection, Map): Collection 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/206)0%   (0/71)
getCompartmentNode (EList): Node 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/25)0%   (0/6)
getDefaultFactoryHint (): String 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/2)0%   (0/1)
getDiagram (): Diagram 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/6)0%   (0/1)
getEditPart (EObject, Map): EditPart 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/17)0%   (0/5)
getRoleChild (Node, Role): View 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/25)0%   (0/6)
getSemanticChildrenList (): List 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/21)0%   (0/5)
getSemanticConnectionsList (): List 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/2)0%   (0/1)
getSourceElement (EObject): EObject 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/2)0%   (0/1)
getTargetElement (EObject): EObject 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/2)0%   (0/1)
isOrphaned (Collection, View): boolean 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/14)0%   (0/5)
myGetEditPartFor (Role, AssemblyContext): EditPart 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/85)0%   (0/20)
refreshConnections (): Collection 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/96)0%   (0/32)
refreshSemantic (): void 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/51)0%   (0/12)
shouldDeleteView (View): boolean 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/20)0%   (0/5)
shouldIncludeConnection (Edge, Collection): boolean 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/2)0%   (0/1)

2 *Copyright 2007, SDQ, IPD, Uni Karlsruhe (TH)
3 */
4package de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.policies;
6import java.util.Collection;
7import java.util.Collections;
8import java.util.HashMap;
9import java.util.Iterator;
10import java.util.LinkedList;
11import java.util.List;
12import java.util.Map;
14import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
15import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
16import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
17import org.eclipse.gef.EditPart;
18import org.eclipse.gef.commands.Command;
19import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.core.util.ViewUtil;
20import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.commands.DeferredLayoutCommand;
21import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.commands.ICommandProxy;
22import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editparts.IGraphicalEditPart;
23import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editpolicies.CanonicalConnectionEditPolicy;
24import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.CreateConnectionViewRequest;
25import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.RequestConstants;
26import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Diagram;
27import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Edge;
28import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Node;
29import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.View;
31import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.core.composition.AssemblyConnector;
32import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.core.composition.AssemblyContext;
33import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.core.composition.AssemblyEventConnector;
34import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.core.composition.AssemblyInfrastructureConnector;
35import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.core.composition.ProvidedDelegationConnector;
36import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.core.composition.RequiredDelegationConnector;
37import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.parts.AssemblyConnectorEditPart;
38import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.parts.AssemblyContextEditPart;
39import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.parts.AssemblyEventConnectorEditPart;
40import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.parts.AssemblyInfrastructureConnectorEditPart;
41import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.parts.ComposedProvidingRequiringEntity2EditPart;
42import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.parts.ComposedProvidingRequiringEntityEditPart;
43import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.parts.InfrastructureProvidedRoleEditPart;
44import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.parts.InfrastructureRequiredRoleEditPart;
45import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.parts.OperationProvidedRole2EditPart;
46import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.parts.OperationProvidedRoleEditPart;
47import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.parts.OperationRequiredRole2EditPart;
48import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.parts.OperationRequiredRoleEditPart;
49import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.parts.ProvidedDelegationConnectorEditPart;
50import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.parts.RequiredDelegationConnectorEditPart;
51import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.parts.SinkRoleEditPart;
52import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.parts.SourceRoleEditPart;
53import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.part.PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater;
54import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.part.PalladioComponentModelLinkDescriptor;
55import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.part.PalladioComponentModelNodeDescriptor;
56import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.part.PalladioComponentModelVisualIDRegistry;
57import de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.repository.Role;
60 * Edit policy for the element represented by the canvas.
61 * This is not the root element of the system model to be edited.
62 * 
63 * @generated
64 */
65public class ComposedProvidingRequiringEntityCanonicalEditPolicy extends
66                CanonicalConnectionEditPolicy {
68        /**
69         * Get the semantic children for the providing requiring entity.
70         * 
71         * In the composite diagram, the root element is not represented
72         * by the canvas, but by the first included rectangle. 
73         * To enable this, this edit policy needs to return the system 
74         * and not the real children as done in the generated version of this
75         * method.
76         * 
77         * @generated not
78         */
79        protected List getSemanticChildrenList() {
80                List result = new LinkedList();
81                EObject modelObject = ((View) getHost().getModel()).getElement();
82                View viewObject = (View) getHost().getModel();
83                result.add(modelObject);
84                return result;
85        }
87        // TODO: Find out whether this method has been modified.
88        /**
89         */
90        protected boolean shouldDeleteView(View view) {
91                if (view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") != null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
92                        return view.isSetElement()
93                                        && (view.getElement() == null || view.getElement()
94                                                        .eIsProxy());
95                }
96                return false;
97        }
99        /**
100         * @generated
101         */
102        protected boolean isOrphaned(Collection semanticChildren, final View view) {
103                int visualID = PalladioComponentModelVisualIDRegistry.getVisualID(view);
104                switch (visualID) {
105                case ComposedProvidingRequiringEntity2EditPart.VISUAL_ID:
106                        if (!semanticChildren.contains(view.getElement())) {
107                                return true;
108                        }
109                }
110                return false;
111        }
113        /**
114         * @generated
115         */
116        protected String getDefaultFactoryHint() {
117                return null;
118        }
120        /**
121         * @generated
122         */
123        protected List getSemanticConnectionsList() {
124                return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
125        }
127        /**
128         * @generated
129         */
130        protected EObject getSourceElement(EObject relationship) {
131                return null;
132        }
134        /**
135         * @generated
136         */
137        protected EObject getTargetElement(EObject relationship) {
138                return null;
139        }
141        /**
142         * @generated
143         */
144        protected boolean shouldIncludeConnection(Edge connector,
145                        Collection children) {
146                return false;
147        }
149        /**
150         * @generated
151         */
152        protected void refreshSemantic() {
153                List createdViews = new LinkedList();
154                createdViews.addAll(refreshSemanticChildren());
155                List createdConnectionViews = new LinkedList();
156                createdConnectionViews.addAll(refreshSemanticConnections());
157                createdConnectionViews.addAll(refreshConnections());
159                if (createdViews.size() > 1) {
160                        // perform a layout of the container
161                        DeferredLayoutCommand layoutCmd = new DeferredLayoutCommand(host()
162                                        .getEditingDomain(), createdViews, host());
163                        executeCommand(new ICommandProxy(layoutCmd));
164                }
166                createdViews.addAll(createdConnectionViews);
167                makeViewsImmutable(createdViews);
168        }
170        /**
171         * @generated
172         */
173        private Collection refreshConnections() {
174                Map domain2NotationMap = new HashMap();
175                Collection linkDescriptors = collectAllLinks(getDiagram(),
176                                domain2NotationMap);
177                Collection existingLinks = new LinkedList(getDiagram().getEdges());
178                for (Iterator linksIterator = existingLinks.iterator(); linksIterator
179                                .hasNext();) {
180                        Edge nextDiagramLink = (Edge) linksIterator.next();
181                        int diagramLinkVisualID = PalladioComponentModelVisualIDRegistry
182                                        .getVisualID(nextDiagramLink);
183                        if (diagramLinkVisualID == -1) {
184                                if (nextDiagramLink.getSource() != null
185                                                && nextDiagramLink.getTarget() != null) {
186                                        linksIterator.remove();
187                                }
188                                continue;
189                        }
190                        EObject diagramLinkObject = nextDiagramLink.getElement();
191                        EObject diagramLinkSrc = nextDiagramLink.getSource().getElement();
192                        EObject diagramLinkDst = nextDiagramLink.getTarget().getElement();
193                        for (Iterator linkDescriptorsIterator = linkDescriptors.iterator(); linkDescriptorsIterator
194                                        .hasNext();) {
195                                PalladioComponentModelLinkDescriptor nextLinkDescriptor = (PalladioComponentModelLinkDescriptor) linkDescriptorsIterator
196                                                .next();
197                                if (diagramLinkObject == nextLinkDescriptor.getModelElement()
198                                                && diagramLinkSrc == nextLinkDescriptor.getSource()
199                                                && diagramLinkDst == nextLinkDescriptor
200                                                                .getDestination()
201                                                && diagramLinkVisualID == nextLinkDescriptor
202                                                                .getVisualID()) {
203                                        linksIterator.remove();
204                                        linkDescriptorsIterator.remove();
205                                        break;
206                                }
207                        }
208                }
209                deleteViews(existingLinks.iterator());
210                return createConnections(linkDescriptors, domain2NotationMap);
211        }
213        /**
214         * @generated
215         */
216        private Collection collectAllLinks(View view, Map domain2NotationMap) {
217                if (!ComposedProvidingRequiringEntityEditPart.MODEL_ID
218                                .equals(PalladioComponentModelVisualIDRegistry.getModelID(view))) {
219                        return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
220                }
221                Collection result = new LinkedList();
222                switch (PalladioComponentModelVisualIDRegistry.getVisualID(view)) {
223                case ComposedProvidingRequiringEntityEditPart.VISUAL_ID: {
224                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())) {
225                                result
226                                                .addAll(PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater
227                                                                .getComposedProvidingRequiringEntity_1000ContainedLinks(view));
228                        }
229                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())
230                                        || view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") == null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
231                                domain2NotationMap.put(view.getElement(), view);
232                        }
233                        break;
234                }
235                case ComposedProvidingRequiringEntity2EditPart.VISUAL_ID: {
236                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())) {
237                                result
238                                                .addAll(PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater
239                                                                .getComposedProvidingRequiringEntity_2002ContainedLinks(view));
240                        }
241                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())
242                                        || view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") == null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
243                                domain2NotationMap.put(view.getElement(), view);
244                        }
245                        break;
246                }
247                case AssemblyContextEditPart.VISUAL_ID: {
248                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())) {
249                                result.addAll(PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater
250                                                .getAssemblyContext_3006ContainedLinks(view));
251                        }
252                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())
253                                        || view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") == null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
254                                domain2NotationMap.put(view.getElement(), view);
255                        }
256                        break;
257                }
258                case OperationProvidedRoleEditPart.VISUAL_ID: {
259                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())) {
260                                result.addAll(PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater
261                                                .getOperationProvidedRole_3007ContainedLinks(view));
262                        }
263                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())
264                                        || view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") == null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
265                                domain2NotationMap.put(view.getElement(), view);
266                        }
267                        break;
268                }
269                case OperationRequiredRoleEditPart.VISUAL_ID: {
270                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())) {
271                                result.addAll(PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater
272                                                .getOperationRequiredRole_3008ContainedLinks(view));
273                        }
274                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())
275                                        || view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") == null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
276                                domain2NotationMap.put(view.getElement(), view);
277                        }
278                        break;
279                }
280                case SourceRoleEditPart.VISUAL_ID: {
281                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())) {
282                                result.addAll(PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater
283                                                .getSourceRole_3013ContainedLinks(view));
284                        }
285                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())
286                                        || view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") == null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
287                                domain2NotationMap.put(view.getElement(), view);
288                        }
289                        break;
290                }
291                case SinkRoleEditPart.VISUAL_ID: {
292                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())) {
293                                result.addAll(PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater
294                                                .getSinkRole_3014ContainedLinks(view));
295                        }
296                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())
297                                        || view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") == null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
298                                domain2NotationMap.put(view.getElement(), view);
299                        }
300                        break;
301                }
302                case InfrastructureProvidedRoleEditPart.VISUAL_ID: {
303                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())) {
304                                result
305                                                .addAll(PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater
306                                                                .getInfrastructureProvidedRole_3015ContainedLinks(view));
307                        }
308                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())
309                                        || view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") == null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
310                                domain2NotationMap.put(view.getElement(), view);
311                        }
312                        break;
313                }
314                case InfrastructureRequiredRoleEditPart.VISUAL_ID: {
315                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())) {
316                                result
317                                                .addAll(PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater
318                                                                .getInfrastructureRequiredRole_3016ContainedLinks(view));
319                        }
320                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())
321                                        || view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") == null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
322                                domain2NotationMap.put(view.getElement(), view);
323                        }
324                        break;
325                }
326                case OperationProvidedRole2EditPart.VISUAL_ID: {
327                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())) {
328                                result.addAll(PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater
329                                                .getOperationProvidedRole_3011ContainedLinks(view));
330                        }
331                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())
332                                        || view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") == null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
333                                domain2NotationMap.put(view.getElement(), view);
334                        }
335                        break;
336                }
337                case OperationRequiredRole2EditPart.VISUAL_ID: {
338                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())) {
339                                result.addAll(PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater
340                                                .getOperationRequiredRole_3012ContainedLinks(view));
341                        }
342                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())
343                                        || view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") == null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
344                                domain2NotationMap.put(view.getElement(), view);
345                        }
346                        break;
347                }
348                case AssemblyConnectorEditPart.VISUAL_ID: {
349                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())) {
350                                result.addAll(PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater
351                                                .getAssemblyConnector_4004ContainedLinks(view));
352                        }
353                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())
354                                        || view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") == null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
355                                domain2NotationMap.put(view.getElement(), view);
356                        }
357                        break;
358                }
359                case AssemblyEventConnectorEditPart.VISUAL_ID: {
360                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())) {
361                                result.addAll(PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater
362                                                .getAssemblyEventConnector_4007ContainedLinks(view));
363                        }
364                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())
365                                        || view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") == null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
366                                domain2NotationMap.put(view.getElement(), view);
367                        }
368                        break;
369                }
370                case RequiredDelegationConnectorEditPart.VISUAL_ID: {
371                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())) {
372                                result
373                                                .addAll(PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater
374                                                                .getRequiredDelegationConnector_4005ContainedLinks(view));
375                        }
376                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())
377                                        || view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") == null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
378                                domain2NotationMap.put(view.getElement(), view);
379                        }
380                        break;
381                }
382                case ProvidedDelegationConnectorEditPart.VISUAL_ID: {
383                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())) {
384                                result
385                                                .addAll(PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater
386                                                                .getProvidedDelegationConnector_4006ContainedLinks(view));
387                        }
388                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())
389                                        || view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") == null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
390                                domain2NotationMap.put(view.getElement(), view);
391                        }
392                        break;
393                }
394                case AssemblyInfrastructureConnectorEditPart.VISUAL_ID: {
395                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())) {
396                                result
397                                                .addAll(PalladioComponentModelDiagramUpdater
398                                                                .getAssemblyInfrastructureConnector_4008ContainedLinks(view));
399                        }
400                        if (!domain2NotationMap.containsKey(view.getElement())
401                                        || view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut") == null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
402                                domain2NotationMap.put(view.getElement(), view);
403                        }
404                        break;
405                }
406                }
407                for (Iterator children = view.getChildren().iterator(); children
408                                .hasNext();) {
409                        result.addAll(collectAllLinks((View) children.next(),
410                                        domain2NotationMap));
411                }
412                for (Iterator edges = view.getSourceEdges().iterator(); edges.hasNext();) {
413                        result.addAll(collectAllLinks((View) edges.next(),
414                                        domain2NotationMap));
415                }
416                return result;
417        }
419        // newly created, may cause problems!
420        // well, it actually did cause problems and it will again in the future. so here follows the warning: :P
421        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
423        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
424        /**
425         * This method is responsible for creating the links between the connectors/roles. 
426         * The default behavior has been augmented so not only the role will be considered but the context, too. 
427         * Modifications became necessary as multiple instances of one or more components in a composite component
428         * would otherwise lead to false connections in the graphical editors only regarding one element as source
429         * and one as destination. The second parameter of type Map doesn't need to be specified, as it will not be
430         * used, it's still there only for compatibility.
431         * 
432         * @param linkDescriptors - collection of linkDescriptors
433         * @param domain2NotationMap - will not be considered, thus can be any value
434         * 
435         * @return list of adapters
436         * 
437         * This method has been manually modified.
438         * 
439         * @generated NOT
440         */
441        private Collection createConnections(Collection linkDescriptors,
442                        Map domain2NotationMap) {
443                List adapters = new LinkedList();
444                for (Iterator linkDescriptorsIterator = linkDescriptors.iterator(); linkDescriptorsIterator
445                                .hasNext();) {
446                        final PalladioComponentModelLinkDescriptor nextLinkDescriptor = (PalladioComponentModelLinkDescriptor) linkDescriptorsIterator
447                                        .next();
449                        // begin of modified code
450                        EditPart sourceEditPart = null;
451                        EditPart targetEditPart = null;
453                        if (nextLinkDescriptor.getModelElement() instanceof AssemblyConnector) {
454                                AssemblyConnector ctx = (AssemblyConnector) nextLinkDescriptor
455                                                .getModelElement();
456                                sourceEditPart = myGetEditPartFor((Role) nextLinkDescriptor
457                                                .getSource(), ctx
458                                                .getRequiringAssemblyContext_AssemblyConnector());
459                                targetEditPart = myGetEditPartFor((Role) nextLinkDescriptor
460                                                .getDestination(), ctx
461                                                .getProvidingAssemblyContext_AssemblyConnector());
462                        } else if (nextLinkDescriptor.getModelElement() instanceof AssemblyEventConnector) {
463                                AssemblyEventConnector ctx = (AssemblyEventConnector) nextLinkDescriptor
464                                                .getModelElement();
465                                sourceEditPart = myGetEditPartFor((Role) nextLinkDescriptor
466                                                .getSource(), ctx
467                                                .getSourceAssemblyContext__AssemblyEventConnector());
468                                targetEditPart = myGetEditPartFor((Role) nextLinkDescriptor
469                                                .getDestination(), ctx
470                                                .getSinkAssemblyContext__AssemblyEventConnector());
471                        } else if (nextLinkDescriptor.getModelElement() instanceof AssemblyInfrastructureConnector) {
472                                AssemblyInfrastructureConnector ctx = (AssemblyInfrastructureConnector) nextLinkDescriptor
473                                                                .getModelElement();
474                                                sourceEditPart = myGetEditPartFor((Role) nextLinkDescriptor
475                                                                .getSource(), ctx
476                                                                .getRequiringAssemblyContext__AssemblyInfrastructureConnector());
477                                                targetEditPart = myGetEditPartFor((Role) nextLinkDescriptor
478                                                                .getDestination(), ctx
479                                                                .getProvidingAssemblyContext__AssemblyInfrastructureConnector());
480                        } else if (nextLinkDescriptor.getModelElement() instanceof ProvidedDelegationConnector) {
481                                ProvidedDelegationConnector ctx = (ProvidedDelegationConnector) nextLinkDescriptor
482                                                .getModelElement();
483                                sourceEditPart = myGetEditPartFor((Role) nextLinkDescriptor
484                                                .getSource(), null);
485                                targetEditPart = myGetEditPartFor((Role) nextLinkDescriptor
486                                                .getDestination(), ctx
487                                                .getAssemblyContext_ProvidedDelegationConnector());
488                        } else if (nextLinkDescriptor.getModelElement() instanceof RequiredDelegationConnector) {
489                                RequiredDelegationConnector ctx = (RequiredDelegationConnector) nextLinkDescriptor
490                                                .getModelElement();
491                                sourceEditPart = myGetEditPartFor((Role) nextLinkDescriptor
492                                                .getSource(), ctx
493                                                .getAssemblyContext_RequiredDelegationConnector());
494                                targetEditPart = myGetEditPartFor((Role) nextLinkDescriptor
495                                                .getDestination(), null);
496                        }
497                        // end of modified code        
498                        if (sourceEditPart == null || targetEditPart == null) {
499                                continue;
500                        }
501                        CreateConnectionViewRequest.ConnectionViewDescriptor descriptor = new CreateConnectionViewRequest.ConnectionViewDescriptor(
502                                        nextLinkDescriptor.getSemanticAdapter(), String
503                                                        .valueOf(nextLinkDescriptor.getVisualID()),
504                                        ViewUtil.APPEND, false, ((IGraphicalEditPart) getHost())
505                                                        .getDiagramPreferencesHint());
506                        CreateConnectionViewRequest ccr = new CreateConnectionViewRequest(
507                                        descriptor);
508                        ccr.setType(RequestConstants.REQ_CONNECTION_START);
509                        ccr.setSourceEditPart(sourceEditPart);
510                        sourceEditPart.getCommand(ccr);
511                        ccr.setTargetEditPart(targetEditPart);
512                        ccr.setType(RequestConstants.REQ_CONNECTION_END);
513                        Command cmd = targetEditPart.getCommand(ccr);
514                        if (cmd != null && cmd.canExecute()) {
515                                executeCommand(cmd);
516                                IAdaptable viewAdapter = (IAdaptable) ccr.getNewObject();
517                                if (viewAdapter != null) {
518                                        adapters.add(viewAdapter);
519                                }
520                        }
521                }
522                return adapters;
523        }
525        /**
526         * @generated
527         */
528        private EditPart getEditPart(EObject domainModelElement,
529                        Map domain2NotationMap) {
530                View view = (View) domain2NotationMap.get(domainModelElement);
531                if (view != null) {
532                        return (EditPart) getHost().getViewer().getEditPartRegistry().get(
533                                        view);
534                }
535                return null;
536        }
538        /**
539         * Returns the EditPart for a given combination of Role and AssemblyContext.
540         * This is crucial for correctly displaying links if there are multiple instances
541         * of the same component in an assemblyContext, hence multiple times the same role (with identical ID).
542         * This method has been most likely manually added.
543         * 
544         * @param modelElement - Role to be searched
545         * @param ctx - AssemblyContext to be searched
546         * @return EditPart that belongs to the Role in the AssemblyContext if existent, null otherwise
547         * 
548         * @generated not
549         */
550        private EditPart myGetEditPartFor(Role modelElement, AssemblyContext ctx) {
551                View view = null;
552                Diagram dia = getDiagram();
553                Node pseudoNode = (Node) dia.getChildren().get(0);
554                if (ctx == null) {
555                        for (Object n : pseudoNode.getChildren()) {
556                                if (n instanceof Node) {
557                                        Node node = (Node) n;
558                                        if (!node.getType().equals("7002")
559                                                        && node.getElement() == modelElement)
560                                                view = node;
561                                }
562                        }
563                } else {
564                        Node compartment = getCompartmentNode(pseudoNode.getChildren());
565                        for (Object n : compartment.getChildren()) {
566                                if (n instanceof Node) {
567                                        Node node = (Node) n;
568                                        if (node.getElement() == ctx) {
569                                                view = getRoleChild(node, modelElement);
570                                        }
571                                }
572                        }
573                }
574                if (view != null) {
575                        return (EditPart) getHost().getViewer().getEditPartRegistry().get(
576                                        view);
577                }
578                return null;
579        }
581        /**
582         * Returns the the child node of myNode, thats element attribute references modelElement.
583         * This method was manually added.
584         * 
585         * @param myNode - parent node whose children will be checked
586         * @param modelElement - role for which to search
587         * @return node - the child node of myNode, thats element attribute references the role modelElement,
588         *     if existent, null otherwise 
589         * 
590         * @generated NOT
591         */
592        private View getRoleChild(Node myNode, Role modelElement) {
593                for (Object n : myNode.getChildren()) {
594                        if (n instanceof Node) {
595                                Node node = (Node) n;
596                                if (node.getElement() == modelElement) {
597                                        return node;
598                                }
599                        }
600                }
601                return null;
602        }
604        /**
605         * Returns one CompartmentNode out of a list of nodes if there is at least one included.
606         * This method was manually added.
607         * 
608         * @param children - List of children to be checked
609         * @return node - one compartementNode if there is a node of that type, null otherwise
610         * 
611         * @generated NOT
612         */
613        private Node getCompartmentNode(EList nodeList) {
614                for (Object n : nodeList) {
615                        if (n instanceof Node) {
616                                Node node = (Node) n;
617                                if (node.getType().equals("7002"))
618                                        return node;
620                        }
621                }
622                return null;
623        }
625        /**
626         * @generated
627         */
628        private Diagram getDiagram() {
629                return ((View) getHost().getModel()).getDiagram();
630        }

[all classes][de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm.gmf.composite.edit.policies]
EMMA 2.0.9414 (unsupported private build) (C) Vladimir Roubtsov