Interface IBoxedPDF

  • All Superinterfaces:
    IProbabilityDensityFunction, IProbabilityFunction
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IBoxedPDF
    extends IProbabilityDensityFunction
    A BoxedPDF is an approximation of an actual probability density function. It seperates the function in a set of arbitrary, but non-overlapping intervals (boxes). For each such interval [a,b), the probability of a sample lying in that interval (F(b) - F(a)) is stored in a BoxedPDF.
    A BoxedPDF consists of an ordered set of ContinuousSamples, which contains the x and y coordinates of the upper right corner of a box. The lower left corner is given by the x coordinate of its left neighbour and the y coordinate is set to zero. This allows us to easily construct a sequence of boxes. The lower left corner of the leftmost box is always (0,0).
    • Method Detail

      • getSamples

        List<IContinuousSample> getSamples()
        Ordered list of ContinuousSamples, which define the sequence of boxes.
        ContinuousSamples approximating the probability density function.