Package edu.kit.ipd.sdq.kamp4attack.model.modificationmarks.KAMP4attackModificationmarks.provider
package edu.kit.ipd.sdq.kamp4attack.model.modificationmarks.KAMP4attackModificationmarks.provider
ClassesClassDescriptionThis is the item provider adapter for a
object.This is the item provider adapter for aAttackPathElement
object.This is the item provider adapter for aAttackPath
object.This is the item provider adapter for aCompromisedAssembly
object.This is the item provider adapter for aCompromisedData
object.This is the item provider adapter for aCompromisedLinkingResource
object.This is the item provider adapter for aCompromisedResource
object.This is the item provider adapter for aCompromisedService
object.This is the item provider adapter for aContextChange
object.This is the item provider adapter for aCredentialChange
object.This is the item provider adapter for aDatamodelContainer
object.This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.This is the item provider adapter for aKAMP4attackModificationRepository
object.This is the central singleton for the KAMP4attackModificationsmarks edit plugin.The actual implementation of the Eclipse Plugin.This is the item provider adapter for aKAMP4attackSeedModifications
object.This is the item provider adapter for aModifyEntity
object.This is the item provider adapter for aServiceRestrictionContainer
object.This is the item provider adapter for aSurfaceAttackerSelection