Package policyderiver

Class Deriver

  • public class Deriver
    extends Object
    Finds affected seffs for each system call, then derives the contexts for that seffs and creates policy specification for it
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public void execute()
        Entrypoint Start from usage model, find affected seffs for each system call. Use palladio abstraction
      • getContextSetsToApply

        public EList<DeriverRecord> getContextSetsToApply​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.ScenarioBehaviour scenarioBehaviour,
                                                          org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.EntryLevelSystemCall systemCall)
        Calculate which context set needs to be applied. Depends on system call and scenario behaviour. Setting can affect the selected context set.
        scenarioBehaviour -
        systemCall -