Package org.palladiosimulator.pcm.confidentiality.context.policy.impl
package org.palladiosimulator.pcm.confidentiality.context.policy.impl
ClassesClassDescriptionAn implementation of the model object 'All Of'.An implementation of the model object 'Apply'.An implementation of the model object 'Attribute Designator'.An implementation of the model object 'Attribute Selection'.An implementation of the model object 'Attribute Selector'.An implementation of the model object 'Attribute Value Reference'.An implementation of the model object 'Expression'.An implementation of the model object 'Function Reference'.An implementation of the model object 'Match'.An implementation of the model Factory.An implementation of the model object 'Policy'.An implementation of the model Package.An implementation of the model object 'Set'.An implementation of the model object 'Rule'.An implementation of the model object 'Simple Attribute Condition'.An implementation of the model object 'Variable Definitions'.An implementation of the model object 'Variable Reference'.An implementation of the model object 'XML String'.