Package org.palladiosimulator.pcm.confidentiality.attackerSpecification
package org.palladiosimulator.pcm.confidentiality.attackerSpecification
InterfacesClassDescriptionA representation of the model object 'Attack Container'.A representation of the model object 'Attacker'.A representation of the model object 'Container'.The Factory for the model.The Package for the model.Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data typeA representation of the model object 'Specification'.A representation of the model object 'System Specification Container'.A representation of the model object 'Category Specification'.A representation of the model object 'Datamodel Attacker'.A representation of the model object 'Exploitability Vulnerability Filter Criterion'.A representation of the model object 'Filter Criterion'.A representation of the model object 'Impact Vulnerability Filter Criterion'.A representation of the model object 'Initial Credential Filter Criterion'.A representation of the model object 'Maximum Path Length Filter Criterion'.A representation of the model object 'Start Element Filter Criterion'.A representation of the model object 'Surface Attacker'.A representation of the model object 'Vulnerability Container'.A representation of the model object 'Vulnerability Filter Criterion'.