Class VariationManager

  • public class VariationManager
    extends Object
    VariationManager realizes the management of the uncertainty variation model.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VariationManager

        public VariationManager​(URI uncertaintyVariationModel,
                                ResourceAbstraction resourceAbstraction)
        uncertaintyVariationModel - specifies the uniform resource identifier (uri) which points to the uncertainty variation model for the varying. The uri must be of the platform type.
        resourceAbstraction - the abstraction layer for the model loadings and storing mechanism
    • Method Detail

      • loadUncertaintyVariantModel

        public EObject loadUncertaintyVariantModel()
        loads and returns the specified uncertainty variant model of the current project.
        the loaded uncertainty variation model.
      • validate

        public static void validate​(URI uncertaintyVariationModel,
                                    org.slf4j.Logger logger)
        validates a given uncertainty variation model
        uncertaintyVariationModel - specifies the uniform resource identifier (uri) which points to the uncertainty variation model for the varying.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI of the uncertainty variation model is valid