Class Statespace

  • public class Statespace
    extends Object
    Statespace represents the state space spanned by the variation points of the uncertainty variation model
    • Constructor Detail

      • Statespace

        public Statespace​(EObject uncertaintyVariationModel)
        uncertaintyVariationModel - the uncertainty variation model for this Statespace
        IllegalStateException - if no StateHandlerImplementation can be created for any of the Variation Points
    • Method Detail

      • getModelTypes

        public List<String> getModelTypes()
        returns the names of the model types used by the statehandlers of the various variant points
        list of names of model types which are used by one of the statehandlers
      • iterator

        public StatespaceIterator iterator()
        creates and returns an iterator for traversing this Statespace
        iterator for this Statespace
      • patchModelsWith

        public void patchModelsWith​(Map<String,​List<EObject>> models,
                                    int dimension,
                                    int variationIdx)
        patches the models affected by the dimension with the current variation.
        models - the models which are used by one of the statehandlers
        dimension - the specific dimension
        variationIdx - the current position in the dimension
      • getValue

        public String getValue​(int dimension,
                               int variationIdx)
        return the value of the dimension corresponding to the variationIdx
        dimension - the specific dimension
        variationIdx - the current position in the dimension
        the value as string containing either the name with id of the value, the id of value or the variationIdx based on the variation point description
      • getNumberOfDimensions

        public int getNumberOfDimensions()
        returns the dimension (cardinality) of the Statespace
        the number of different Variation Points
      • getDimensions

        public List<String> getDimensions()
        returns dimension as a named list
        list containing the names of the different variation points.
      • getSizeOfDimension

        public int getSizeOfDimension​(int dimension)
        return the size of a specific dimension
        dimension - the specific dimension
        the number of variations in a specific dimension
        IllegalArgumentException - if the specific dimension is not inside of the dimensions of the statespace