ComponentImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Component'.
DataFlowDiagramFactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
DataFlowDiagramImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Data Flow Diagram'.
DataFlowDiagramPackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
DataFlowDiagramRefinementImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Refinement'.
DataFlowEdgeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Data Flow Edge'.
DataFlowImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Data Flow'.
DataImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Data'.
EdgeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Edge'.
EdgeRefinementImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Edge Refinement'.
EntityImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Entity'.
ExternalActorImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'External Actor'.
NamedElementImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Named Element'.
NodeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Node'.
ProcessImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Process'.
StoreImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Store'.