Class DFDCModificationUtil

  • public class DFDCModificationUtil
    extends Object
    Utility class handling modification of existing dfds as well as creation of new (i.e., refining) ones.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DFDCModificationUtil

        public DFDCModificationUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • deleteEdge

        public static void deleteEdge​(EObject self)
      • deleteNode

        public static void deleteNode​(EObject self)
      • refineProcess

        public static void refineProcess​(EObject newDFD,
                                         EObject p,
                                         org.palladiosimulator.dataflow.diagram.DataFlowDiagram.DataFlowDiagram oldDFD,
                                         org.palladiosimulator.dataflow.diagram.DataFlowDiagram.DataFlowDiagramRefinement ref)
        newDFD - newly created dfd
        p - to be refined process
        oldDFD -
        ref - current dfd refinement
      • createLeveledDFD

        public static void createLeveledDFD​(List<CharacterizedDataFlow> in,
                                            List<CharacterizedDataFlow> out,
                                            CharacterizedProcess p,
                                            org.palladiosimulator.dataflow.diagram.DataFlowDiagram.DataFlowDiagram oldDFD,
                                            org.palladiosimulator.dataflow.diagram.DataFlowDiagram.DataFlowDiagram newDFD,
                                            org.palladiosimulator.dataflow.diagram.DataFlowDiagram.DataFlowDiagramRefinement ref)
        in - incoming characterized dataflows to p
        out - outgoing characterized dataflows from p
        p - to be refined process
        oldDFD -
        newDFD -
        ref - current dfd refinement