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AbstractProver - Class in org.prolog4j
Serves as base class for prover implementation.
AbstractProver(ConversionPolicy) - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.AbstractProver
Activator - Class in org.prolog4j.impl
Activator - Class in org.prolog4j.manager.impl
Activator() - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.impl.Activator
Activator() - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.manager.impl.Activator
addListConverter(Class<T>, Converter<List<?>>) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
addObjectConverter(Class<T>, Converter<T>) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Registers a new object converter into the policy.
addTermConverter(Class<T>, Converter<T>) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Registers a new term converter into the policy.
addTermConverter(String, Converter<Object>) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Registers a new term converter into the policy.
addTheory(String) - Method in interface org.prolog4j.Prover
Adds a Prolog theory to the knowledge base.
addTheory(String) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologProver
addTheory(String) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologProver
addTheory(String...) - Method in interface org.prolog4j.Prover
Adds a Prolog theory to the knowledge base.
addTheory(String...) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologProver
addTheory(String...) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologProver
assertz(String, Object...) - Method in class org.prolog4j.AbstractProver
assertz(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.prolog4j.Prover
Asserts a Prolog fact or rule to the knowledge base.


bind(int, Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.Query
Binds a value to the specified argument of the goal.
bind(int, Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologQuery
bind(int, Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologQuery
bind(String, Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.Query
Binds a value to the specified argument of the goal.
bind(String, Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologQuery
bind(String, Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologQuery
bindProverFactory(IProverFactory, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.prolog4j.manager.impl.ProverManager


clazz - Variable in class org.prolog4j.Solution
The values that get bound to the default output variable will be converted to this type.
collect(C) - Method in class org.prolog4j.Solution
Collects the values of the primary variable into the given collection.
collect(String[], Collection<?>[]) - Method in class org.prolog4j.Solution
Collects the values of the specified variables into the given collections.
collect(Collection<?>...) - Method in class org.prolog4j.Solution
Collects the values of the variables into the given collections.
collect(Collection<?>...) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologSolution
collect(Collection<?>...) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologSolution
Compound - Class in org.prolog4j
Represents a Prolog compound term.
Compound(String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.Compound
Constructs a compound term.
ConversionPolicy - Class in org.prolog4j
An instance of this class represents how terms are converted to regular Java objects (POJOs) and vice versa.
ConversionPolicy() - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Constructs an empty ConversionPolicy.
ConversionPolicy.TermPattern - Class in org.prolog4j
convert(T) - Method in class org.prolog4j.Converter
Converts an object to another one.
convert(T, Class<R>) - Method in class org.prolog4j.Converter
Converts an object to another one of a specific type.
Converter<T> - Class in org.prolog4j
Converter instances can convert objects of type T to another object.
Converter() - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.Converter
convertObject(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Converts a regular Java object to a term.
convertTerm(T) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Converts a term to a regular Java object.
convertTerm(U, Class<T>) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Converts a term to a regular Java object.
createConversionPolicy() - Method in interface org.prolog4j.IProverFactory
Creates a new conversion policy.
createConversionPolicy() - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.SWIPrologProverFactory
createConversionPolicy() - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.TuPrologProverFactory
createProver() - Method in interface org.prolog4j.IProverFactory
Creates a new prover.
createProver() - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.SWIPrologProverFactory
createProver() - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.TuPrologProverFactory
createTheory() - Static method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.libraries.ListsLibrary


doubleValue(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Converts a floating point term to a double value.
doubleValue(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologConversionPolicy
doubleValue(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologConversionPolicy


equals(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.Compound


fetch() - Method in class org.prolog4j.Solution
Fetches the next solution if there is one.
fetch() - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologSolution
fetch() - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologSolution


get() - Method in class org.prolog4j.Solution
Returns the value of the variable last occurring in the goal bound to by the first solution of the goal.
get(Class<A>) - Method in class org.prolog4j.Solution
Returns the value of the variable last occurring in the goal bound to by the first solution of the goal.
get(String) - Method in class org.prolog4j.Solution
Returns the value of the given variable bound to by the first solution of the goal.
get(String) - Method in interface org.prolog4j.SolutionIterator
Returns the value of the variable bound by the current solution.
get(String) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologSolution
get(String) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologSolution
get(String, Class<A>) - Method in class org.prolog4j.Solution
Returns the value of the given variable bound by the first solution.
get(String, Class<A>) - Method in interface org.prolog4j.SolutionIterator
Returns the value of the variable bound by the current solution.
get(String, Class<A>) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologSolution
get(String, Class<A>) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologSolution
getArg(int) - Method in class org.prolog4j.Compound
Returns the index-th argument of the compound term.
getArg(Object, int) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Returns an argument of a compound term.
getArg(Object, int) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologConversionPolicy
getArg(Object, int) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologConversionPolicy
getArgs() - Method in class org.prolog4j.Compound
Returns the arguments of the compound term.
getArity() - Method in class org.prolog4j.Compound
Returns the arity (the number of arguments) of the compound term.
getArity(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Returns the arity of a compound term or atom.
getArity(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologConversionPolicy
getArity(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologConversionPolicy
getConversionPolicy() - Method in class org.prolog4j.AbstractProver
getConversionPolicy() - Method in interface org.prolog4j.Prover
Returns the conversion policy used by the prover.
getEngine() - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologProver
Returns the tuProlog engine used by the prover.
getFunctor() - Method in class org.prolog4j.Compound
Returns the functor of the compound term.
getGoal() - Method in class org.prolog4j.Query
Returns the Prolog goal to be solved.
getId() - Method in class org.prolog4j.ProverInformation
getName() - Method in class org.prolog4j.ProverInformation
getName(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Returns the functor of a compound term or the name of an atom.
getName(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologConversionPolicy
getName(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologConversionPolicy
getPlaceholderNames() - Method in class org.prolog4j.Query
Returns a list with the name of the place holders in the query.
getProvers() - Method in class org.prolog4j.manager.impl.ProverManager
getProvers() - Method in interface org.prolog4j.manager.IProverManager
getQuery() - Method in exception org.prolog4j.InvalidQueryException
Returns the query that caused the exception.
getVariable() - Method in exception org.prolog4j.UnknownVariableException
Returns the name of the variable that caused the exception.


hashCode() - Method in class org.prolog4j.Compound


intValue(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Converts an integer term to an int value.
intValue(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologConversionPolicy
intValue(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologConversionPolicy
InvalidQueryException - Exception in org.prolog4j
This exception is thrown when a syntactically incorrect Prolog query is processed.
InvalidQueryException(String) - Constructor for exception org.prolog4j.InvalidQueryException
Constructs an InvalidQueryException.
InvalidQueryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.prolog4j.InvalidQueryException
Constructs an InvalidQueryException exception.
IProverFactory - Interface in org.prolog4j
IProverFactory instances manufacture Prover instances by name.
IProverManager - Interface in org.prolog4j.manager
isAtom(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Determines whether the Prolog term is an atom.
isAtom(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologConversionPolicy
isAtom(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologConversionPolicy
isCompound(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Determines whether the Prolog term is compound.
isCompound(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologConversionPolicy
isCompound(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologConversionPolicy
isDouble(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Determines whether the Prolog term is a double value.
isDouble(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologConversionPolicy
isDouble(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologConversionPolicy
isInteger(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Determines whether the Prolog term is an integer value.
isInteger(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologConversionPolicy
isInteger(Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologConversionPolicy
isSuccess() - Method in class org.prolog4j.Solution
Returns whether there exists a solution or not.
isSuccess() - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologSolution
isSuccess() - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologSolution
iterator() - Method in class org.prolog4j.Solution


ListsLibrary - Class in org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.libraries
ListsLibrary() - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.libraries.ListsLibrary
loadDefaultLibraries() - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologProver
loadLibrary(String) - Method in interface org.prolog4j.Prover
Loads in a Prolog library of the specified name.
loadLibrary(String) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologProver
loadLibrary(String) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologProver
loadTheory(InputStream) - Method in class org.prolog4j.AbstractProver
loadTheory(InputStream) - Method in interface org.prolog4j.Prover
Loads a Prolog theory from a stream.
loadTheory(InputStream) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologProver
loadTheory(String) - Method in class org.prolog4j.AbstractProver
loadTheory(String) - Method in interface org.prolog4j.Prover
Loads a Prolog theory from a string.
loadTheory(String) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologProver


match(Object, Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Decides whether two terms match or not.
match(Object, Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologConversionPolicy
match(Object, Object) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologConversionPolicy


needsNativeExecutables() - Method in class org.prolog4j.ProverInformation


on(String) - Method in class org.prolog4j.Solution
Changes the state of this solution object so that it supports traversing the solutions according to another variable.
on(String, Class<A>) - Method in class org.prolog4j.Solution
Changes the state of this solution object so that it supports traversing the solutions according to another variable.
org.prolog4j - package org.prolog4j
Provides the foundation classes of the Prolog4J Framework.
org.prolog4j.impl - package org.prolog4j.impl
org.prolog4j.manager - package org.prolog4j.manager
org.prolog4j.manager.impl - package org.prolog4j.manager.impl
org.prolog4j.swi - package org.prolog4j.swi
org.prolog4j.swi.impl - package org.prolog4j.swi.impl
This package contains the SWI-Prolog implementation of the Prolog4J API.
org.prolog4j.tuprolog - package org.prolog4j.tuprolog
org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl - package org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl
This package contains the tuProlog implementation of the Prolog4J API.
org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.libraries - package org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.libraries


pattern - Variable in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy.TermPattern
placeholderNames - Variable in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy.TermPattern
Prover - Interface in org.prolog4j
A Prover object represents a Prolog knowledge base, on which you can create and solve queries.
ProverInformation - Class in org.prolog4j
ProverInformation(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.ProverInformation
ProverManager - Class in org.prolog4j.manager.impl
The ProverFactory is a utility class producing Provers for various Prolog APIs, most notably for tuProlog, jTrolog and JLog.
ProverManager() - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.manager.impl.ProverManager


query(String) - Method in interface org.prolog4j.Prover
Creates a Prolog query that can be solved later.
query(String) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologProver
query(String) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologProver
Query - Class in org.prolog4j
Represents a Prolog query.
Query(String) - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.Query
Creates a query object.


retract(String) - Method in class org.prolog4j.AbstractProver
retract(String) - Method in interface org.prolog4j.Prover
Retracts a Prolog fact or rule from the knowledge base.


Solution<S> - Class in org.prolog4j
Represents the solutions of a query.
Solution() - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.Solution
SolutionIterator<S> - Interface in org.prolog4j
The SolutionIterator interface servers for traversing the solutions of a Prolog query.
solve(Object...) - Method in class org.prolog4j.Query
Solves the Prolog goal and returns an object using which the individual solutions can be iterated over.
solve(Object...) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologQuery
solve(Object...) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologQuery
solve(String, Object...) - Method in class org.prolog4j.AbstractProver
solve(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.prolog4j.Prover
Solves a Prolog goal and returns an object using which the individual solutions can be iterated over.
start(BundleContext) - Method in class org.prolog4j.impl.Activator
start(BundleContext) - Method in class org.prolog4j.manager.impl.Activator
stop(BundleContext) - Method in class org.prolog4j.impl.Activator
stop(BundleContext) - Method in class org.prolog4j.manager.impl.Activator
SWIPrologConversionPolicy - Class in org.prolog4j.swi.impl
SWI-Prolog implementation of the conversion policy.
SWIPrologConversionPolicy() - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologConversionPolicy
Constructs a conversion policy for SWI-Prolog.
SWIPrologProver - Class in org.prolog4j.swi.impl
Represents a Prolog knowledge base and provides methods for solving queries on it.
SWIPrologProver(ConversionPolicy) - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologProver
Creates an SWI-Prolog prover.
SWIPrologProverFactory - Class in org.prolog4j.swi
An implementation of IProverFactory which always returns the same SWIPrologProver instance.
SWIPrologProverFactory() - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.swi.SWIPrologProverFactory
SWIPrologQuery - Class in org.prolog4j.swi.impl
The tuProlog implementation of the Query class.
SWIPrologSolution<S> - Class in org.prolog4j.swi.impl
The Solution class is responsible for traversing through the solutions of a query.


term(double) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Creates a real term according to the actual implementation.
term(double) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologConversionPolicy
term(double) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologConversionPolicy
term(int) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Creates a integer term according to the actual implementation.
term(int) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologConversionPolicy
term(int) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologConversionPolicy
term(String) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Creates an atom according to the actual implementation.
term(String) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologConversionPolicy
term(String) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologConversionPolicy
term(String, Object...) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
Creates a compound term according to the actual implementation.
term(String, Object...) - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologConversionPolicy
term(String, Object...) - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologConversionPolicy
TermPattern(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy.TermPattern
toList() - Method in class org.prolog4j.Solution
Collects the values of the primary variable into a List.
toLists() - Method in class org.prolog4j.Solution
Collects the values of the variables into a List array.
toLists() - Method in class org.prolog4j.swi.impl.SWIPrologSolution
toLists() - Method in class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologSolution
toSet() - Method in class org.prolog4j.Solution
Collects the values of the primary variable into a Set.
toString() - Method in class org.prolog4j.Compound
tp(String, Object...) - Method in class org.prolog4j.ConversionPolicy
TuPrologConversionPolicy - Class in org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl
tuProlog implementation of the conversion policy.
TuPrologConversionPolicy() - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologConversionPolicy
Constructs a conversion policy for tuProlog.
TuPrologProver - Class in org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl
Represents a Prolog knowledge base and provides methods for solving queries on it.
TuPrologProver(ConversionPolicy) - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl.TuPrologProver
Creates a tuProlog prover.
TuPrologProverFactory - Class in org.prolog4j.tuprolog
An implementation of IProverFactory which always returns TuPrologProver instances.
TuPrologProverFactory() - Constructor for class org.prolog4j.tuprolog.TuPrologProverFactory
TuPrologQuery - Class in org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl
The tuProlog implementation of the Query class.
TuPrologSolution<S> - Class in org.prolog4j.tuprolog.impl
The Solution class is responsible for traversing through the solutions of a query.


unbindProverFactory(IProverFactory) - Method in class org.prolog4j.manager.impl.ProverManager
UnknownVariableException - Exception in org.prolog4j
This exception is thrown when a syntactically incorrect Prolog query is processed.
UnknownVariableException(String) - Constructor for exception org.prolog4j.UnknownVariableException
Constructs an UnknownVariableException.
UnknownVariableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.prolog4j.UnknownVariableException
Constructs an UnknownVariableException.
updatedProverFactory(IProverFactory, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.prolog4j.manager.impl.ProverManager
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