Class JobSlotFirstFitStrategy

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JobSlotFirstFitStrategy
    extends AbstractStrategy
    Determines branch transition based on the free job slots on the resource containers. If no slots are free, jobs are put into a queue. Caution: Makes assumptions about the model, should only be used in combination with LoadbalancingActionMiddlewarePassiveResource AT and LoadbalancingActionStaticResourceContainer AT.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JobSlotFirstFitStrategy

        public JobSlotFirstFitStrategy​(org.palladiosimulator.simulizar.interpreter.InterpreterDefaultContext context,
                                       JobSlotStrategyHelper helper)
    • Method Detail

      • setTargetContainer

        public void setTargetContainer​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.resourceenvironment.ResourceContainer container)
      • activate

        public void activate()
      • getRequiredSlots

        public Long getRequiredSlots()