
public class DataStore extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • DataStore

      public DataStore(String databaseComponentName)
      Create a new DataStore with a given Database component name, and an empty variable name, which might be unknown at the time of creation
      databaseComponentName - Database component name
  • Method Details

    • addCharacteristicValues

      public void addCharacteristicValues(List<CharacteristicValue> characteristicValues)
      Adds the given characteristic values to the list of stored characteristic values
      characteristicValues - The list of added characteristic values
    • getDatabaseComponentName

      public String getDatabaseComponentName()
      Get the name of the underlying database component of the data store
      Returns the name of the database component
    • setDatabaseVariableName

      public void setDatabaseVariableName(String databaseVariableName)
      Sets the variable name, which the data store refers to, as it can be unknown
      databaseVariableName - Database variable name, which is set
    • getDatabaseVariableName

      public Optional<String> getDatabaseVariableName()
      Returns , if known, the database variable name, which is used in returning the data store content to callers
      An Optional containing the database variable name
    • getCharacteristicValues

      public List<CharacteristicValue> getCharacteristicValues()
      Returns the list of stored characteristic values, which are propagated to the caller
      Return the List of all stored characteristic values