All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PCMDataCharacteristicsCalculator extends Object implements DataCharacteristicsCalculator
  • Constructor Details

    • PCMDataCharacteristicsCalculator

      public PCMDataCharacteristicsCalculator(List<DataFlowVariable> initialVariables, List<CharacteristicValue> nodeCharacteristics, ResourceLoader resourceLoader)
      Initialize Data characteristics Calculator with initial variables. In addition the read-only container for node characteristics is created. See createNodeCharacteristicsContainer(java.util.List<org.palladiosimulator.dataflow.confidentiality.analysis.characteristics.CharacteristicValue>)
      initialVariables - DataFlowVariables of the previous ActionSequence Element
      nodeCharacteristics - Node Characteristics that might be referenced in the calculator
      resourceLoader - Resource loader to resolve unknown characteristics in the dictionary
  • Method Details

    • evaluate

      public void evaluate(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.parameter.VariableCharacterisation variableCharacterisation)
      Evaluate a Variable Characterization with the current Variables and update the internal state of the characteristics calculator. This method should be called for each Variable Characterization (e.g. Stoex)

      For easier use, the state of characteristics at a given sequence element, is managed and updated by calling this method. The final DataflowVariables for an element are accessed with getCalculatedVariables.

      Specified by:
      evaluate in interface DataCharacteristicsCalculator
      variableCharacterisation - Variable Characterization at the Sequence Element
    • getCalculatedCharacteristics

      public List<DataFlowVariable> getCalculatedCharacteristics()
      Returns the list of DataFlowVariables that were calculated according to the VariableCharacterizations provided
      Specified by:
      getCalculatedCharacteristics in interface DataCharacteristicsCalculator
      List of DataFlowVariables after evaluating