Package org.palladiosimulator.dataflow.dictionary.characterized.DataDictionaryCharacterized.expressions.provider
package org.palladiosimulator.dataflow.dictionary.characterized.DataDictionaryCharacterized.expressions.provider
ClassesClassDescriptionThis is the item provider adapter for a
object.This is the item provider adapter for aBinaryLogicTerm
object.This is the item provider adapter for aCharacteristicReference
object.This is the item provider adapter for aConstant
object.This is the item provider adapter for aContainerCharacteristicReference
object.This is the item provider adapter for aDataCharacteristicReference
object.This is the item provider adapter for aEnumCharacteristicReference
object.This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.This is the item provider adapter for aFalse
object.This is the item provider adapter for aLogicTerm
object.This is the item provider adapter for aNot
object.This is the item provider adapter for aOr
object.This is the item provider adapter for aTerm
object.This is the item provider adapter for aTrue
object.This is the item provider adapter for aUnaryLogicTerm