Class ExperimentsAdapterFactory

    • Field Detail

      • modelPackage

        protected static ExperimentsPackage modelPackage
        The cached model package.
        Generated class or method.
      • modelSwitch

        protected ExperimentsSwitch<Adapter> modelSwitch
        The switch that delegates to the createXXX methods.
        Generated class or method.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExperimentsAdapterFactory

        public ExperimentsAdapterFactory()
        Creates an instance of the adapter factory.
        Generated class or method.
    • Method Detail

      • isFactoryForType

        public boolean isFactoryForType​(Object object)
        Returns whether this factory is applicable for the type of the object. This implementation returns true if the object is either the model's package or is an instance object of the model.
        Specified by:
        isFactoryForType in interface AdapterFactory
        isFactoryForType in class AdapterFactoryImpl
        whether this factory is applicable for the type of the object.
        Generated class or method.
      • createAdapter

        public Adapter createAdapter​(Notifier target)
        Creates an adapter for the target.
        createAdapter in class AdapterFactoryImpl
        target - the object to adapt.
        the adapter for the target.
        Generated class or method.
      • createExperimentRepositoryAdapter

        public Adapter createExperimentRepositoryAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Experiment Repository'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createExperimentAdapter

        public Adapter createExperimentAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Experiment'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createVariationAdapter

        public Adapter createVariationAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Variation'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createValueProviderAdapter

        public Adapter createValueProviderAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Value Provider'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createToolConfigurationAdapter

        public Adapter createToolConfigurationAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Tool Configuration'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createExperimentDesignAdapter

        public Adapter createExperimentDesignAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Experiment Design'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createResponseMeasurementAdapter

        public Adapter createResponseMeasurementAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Response Measurement'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createPolynomialValueProviderAdapter

        public Adapter createPolynomialValueProviderAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Polynomial Value Provider'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createExponentialValueProviderAdapter

        public Adapter createExponentialValueProviderAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Exponential Value Provider'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createSetValueProviderAdapter

        public Adapter createSetValueProviderAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Set Value Provider'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createPlacketBurmanDesignAdapter

        public Adapter createPlacketBurmanDesignAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Placket Burman Design'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createFullFactorialDesignAdapter

        public Adapter createFullFactorialDesignAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Full Factorial Design'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createFractionalFactorialDesignAdapter

        public Adapter createFractionalFactorialDesignAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Fractional Factorial Design'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createOneFactorAtATimeAdapter

        public Adapter createOneFactorAtATimeAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'One Factor At ATime'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createSimulationDurationMeasurementAdapter

        public Adapter createSimulationDurationMeasurementAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Simulation Duration Measurement'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createProfilingMeasurementAdapter

        public Adapter createProfilingMeasurementAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Profiling Measurement'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createJMXMeasurementAdapter

        public Adapter createJMXMeasurementAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'JMX Measurement'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createLinearValueProviderAdapter

        public Adapter createLinearValueProviderAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Linear Value Provider'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createObjectModificationAdapter

        public Adapter createObjectModificationAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Object Modification'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createInitialModelAdapter

        public Adapter createInitialModelAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Initial Model'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createReconfigurationRulesFolderAdapter

        public Adapter createReconfigurationRulesFolderAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Reconfiguration Rules Folder'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createNestedIntervalsDoubleValueProviderAdapter

        public Adapter createNestedIntervalsDoubleValueProviderAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Nested Intervals Double Value Provider'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createNestedIntervalsLongValueProviderAdapter

        public Adapter createNestedIntervalsLongValueProviderAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Nested Intervals Long Value Provider'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createModificationAdapter

        public Adapter createModificationAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Modification'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createSchedulingPolicy2DelayModificationAdapter

        public Adapter createSchedulingPolicy2DelayModificationAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Scheduling Policy2 Delay Modification'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createEObjectAdapter

        public Adapter createEObjectAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for the default case. This default implementation returns null.
        the new adapter.
        Generated class or method.