ClassesClassDescriptionThis jobs checks for SLO violations and calls
if it was violated at least once.This job computes all variation variants that should be executed in an experiment run.Copies the contents of a given partition to another blackboard partition.Loads all needed source PCM models into the PCM blackboard partition.Job to handle different kinds of modifications to models within the blackboard.Prepares the MDSD blackboard for partitions needed by Experiment Automation's initial model.Repeats the given experiment for a given tool and a given set of variations.This job conducts a series of experiments.This job conducts a given experiment, consisting of subexperiments for each registered analysis tool.Runs a given, completely specified experiment out of an experiment run series.Workflow job to transform all scheduling policies to Delay.This job varies the PCM models located in the MDSDBlackboard according to the given variations and factor levels.