Class SimuComToolAdapter

    • Constructor Detail

      • SimuComToolAdapter

        public SimuComToolAdapter()
    • Method Detail

      • createRunAnalysisJob

        public RunAnalysisJob createRunAnalysisJob​(Experiment experiment,
                                                   ToolConfiguration toolConfig,
                                                   List<VariationFactorTuple> variationFactorTuples,
                                                   int repetition)
        Creates a workflow job for the given analysis run and tool. The analysis run is characterized by the given parameters calculated by Experiment Automation.
        Specified by:
        createRunAnalysisJob in interface IToolAdapter
        experiment - the experiment to be conducted.
        toolConfig - the analysis tool to be used.
        variationFactorTuples - the variations and according value factors.
        repetition - the current repetition number of this experiment run; used for statistical significance.
        the job conducting the specified experiment run.
      • hasSupportFor

        public boolean hasSupportFor​(ToolConfiguration configuration)
        States whether a tool adapter supports the given concrete tool configuration.
        Specified by:
        hasSupportFor in interface IToolAdapter
        configuration - the given tool configuration.
        true if the tool configuration is support; false otherwise.