Class FluentAllocationFactory

  • public class FluentAllocationFactory
    extends Object
    This class provides all the methods to create an Allocation and create entities that are added to this Allocation. Characteristics of the entities are specified by method chaining.

    Start creating an org.palladiosimulator.generator.fluent.allocation like this:
    FluentAllocationFactory create = new FluentAllocationFactory();
    Allocation org.palladiosimulator.generator.fluent.allocation = create.newAllocation()

    //define System and ResourceEnvironment and add AllocationContexts


    • Constructor Detail

      • FluentAllocationFactory

        public FluentAllocationFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • newAllocation

        public IAllocation newAllocation()
        Start the creation of an Allocation.
        the Allocation in the making
        See Also: