Class SloThresholdWizardModel

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SloThresholdWizardModel
    extends Object
    implements WizardModelSlo
    WizardModel for the creating and editing thresholds for service level objectives
    • Constructor Detail

      • SloThresholdWizardModel

        public SloThresholdWizardModel​(SloProvider dataProvider,
                                       boolean isEditing)
        slo - the service level objective to edit
        isEditing - indicates whether we are in edit mode or creation mode
    • Method Detail

      • canFinish

        public boolean canFinish()
        This method returns true if the Threshold Selection Page contains all necessary information.
        Specified by:
        canFinish in interface WizardModelSlo
        true if user has chosen a valid threshold
      • setFinishable

        public void setFinishable​(boolean isFinishable)
        Sets Wizard finishable. Used by the SloThresholdPage if threshold is valid or not
      • getInfoText

        public String getInfoText()
        Description copied from interface: WizardModelSlo
        Returns info text displayed in the WizardPage
        Specified by:
        getInfoText in interface WizardModelSlo
        an info text based on the changes made in the model.
      • getTitleText

        public String getTitleText()
        Description copied from interface: WizardModelSlo
        Returns title text displayed in the WizardPage
        Specified by:
        getTitleText in interface WizardModelSlo
        the title of the wizard page
      • getSlo

        public org.palladiosimulator.servicelevelobjective.ServiceLevelObjective getSlo()
        Returns the current Service Level Objective from the SloProvider
      • setLowerThreshold

        public void setLowerThreshold​(Float hard,
                                      String hardUnit,
                                      Float fuzzy,
                                      String fuzzyUnit,
                                      SloThresholdWizardModel.fuzzyThresholdType type)
        Creates and sets a lower fuzzy Threshold to a Service Level Objective.
        hard - the value for the hard threshold
        hardUnit - the unit for the hard threshold
        fuzzy - the value for the fuzzy threshold
        fuzzyUnit - the unit for the fuzzy threshold
        type - the type of the fuzzy threshold
      • setLowerThreshold

        public void setLowerThreshold​(Float hard,
                                      String hardUnit)
        Creates and sets a lower hard Threshold to a Service Level Objective.
        hard - the value for the hard threshold
        hardUnit - the unit for the hard threshold
      • setUpperThreshold

        public void setUpperThreshold​(Float hard,
                                      String hardUnit,
                                      Float fuzzy,
                                      String fuzzyUnit,
                                      SloThresholdWizardModel.fuzzyThresholdType type)
        Creates and sets an upper fuzzy Threshold to a Service Level Objective.
        hard - the value for the hard threshold
        hardUnit - the unit for the hard threshold
        fuzzy - the value for the fuzzy threshold
        fuzzyUnit - the unit for the fuzzy threshold
        type - the type of the fuzzy threshold
      • setUpperThreshold

        public void setUpperThreshold​(Float hard,
                                      String hardUnit)
        Creates and sets an upper hard Threshold to a Service Level Objective.
        hard - the value for the hard threshold
        hardUnit - the unit for the hard threshold
      • getDefaultUnit

        public javax.measure.unit.Unit<?> getDefaultUnit()
        This method returns the default unit for the previous selected measurement specification.
        returns the default unit
      • getSpecificationType

        public String getSpecificationType()
      • deleteLowerThreshold

        public void deleteLowerThreshold()
        Deletes the lower threshold in the current Service Level Objective
      • deleteUpperThreshold

        public void deleteUpperThreshold()
        Deletes the upper threshold in the current Service Level Objective
      • sloIsNull

        public boolean sloIsNull()
        This method checks if Service Level Objective is valid
        returns true if Service Level Objective is null