Class EmptyMeasuringPointsTreeViewer

  • public class EmptyMeasuringPointsTreeViewer
    extends MeasurementsTreeViewer
    Generates a tree view where all empty measuring points from all measuringpoint repositories in the workspace are shown.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EmptyMeasuringPointsTreeViewer

        public EmptyMeasuringPointsTreeViewer​(Composite parent,
                                              MDirtyable dirty,
                                              org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.ECommandService commandService,
                                              org.palladiosimulator.edp2.models.measuringpoint.MeasuringPointRepository repository)
        parent - the container where the tree viewer is placed in
        dirty - the dirty state which indicates whether there were changes made
        commandService - a service of the eclipse application in order to make the tree view saveable
        repository - a measuring point repository which is displayed with all its measuring points in the tree view
    • Method Detail

      • initInjector

        protected void initInjector()
        Description copied from class: ComponentViewer
        Initalizes the google guice injector attribute with the injector of the respective parsley view
        Specified by:
        initInjector in class ComponentViewer