Interface ResourceEditor

    • Method Detail

      • setResourceName

        void setResourceName​(EObject resource,
                             String newName)
        Changes the EntityName of a resource through EMF Commands.
        resource - The resource to change the name
        newName - The new name of the resource
      • changeMonitorActive

        void changeMonitorActive​(EObject monitor,
                                 boolean currentBool)
        Changes the current status of "activated" to its negative through EMF Commands.
        monitor - the monitor to change
        currentBool - the value to change
      • changeTriggersSelfAdapting

        void changeTriggersSelfAdapting​(org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.MeasurementSpecification mspec)
        Changes current bool triggers self adapting to its negative through EMF Commands.
        mspec - the measurement specification to change
      • setMeasuringPointToMonitor

        void setMeasuringPointToMonitor​(EObject monitor,
                                        org.palladiosimulator.edp2.models.measuringpoint.MeasuringPoint mp)
        alternative method to set measuring points, if it is not possible with parsley. Current MP is overwritten through new MP.
        monitor -
        mp -
      • addMeasuringPointToRepository

        void addMeasuringPointToRepository​(EObject mpRep,
                                           EObject mp)
        alternative method to add measuring points, if it is not possible with parsley. New MP is appended to MPRepository.
        mpRep -
        mp -
      • deleteResource

        void deleteResource​(EObject objToDelete)
        Delete the passed EObject.
        objToDelete -
      • deleteMultipleResources

        void deleteMultipleResources​(EList<org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.MeasurementSpecification> objsToDelete)
        Delete a List of MeasurementSpecifications, specifically for deleting mspecs out of the wizard monitor in edit mode in the 3rd page.
        objsToDelete -
      • setMetricDescription

        void setMetricDescription​(EObject aMeasurementSpecification,
                                  org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.MetricDescription aMetricDescription)
        Sets MetricDescription for a MeasurementSpecification using EMF Commands.
        aMeasurementSpecification -
        aMetricDescription -
      • addMeasurementSpecificationToMonitor

        void addMeasurementSpecificationToMonitor​(EObject monitor,
                                                  org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.MeasurementSpecification mspec)
        Appends a new MeasurementSpecification to the list of MeasurementSpecifications for the monitor.
        monitor - The Monitor to which the new specification is added
      • addMeasurementSpecificationsToMonitor

        void addMeasurementSpecificationsToMonitor​(EObject monitor,
                                                   EList<org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.MeasurementSpecification> mSpecList)
        monitor -
        MSpecList -
      • addMonitorToRepository

        void addMonitorToRepository​(EObject monitorRepository,
                                    EObject monitor)
        Appends a Monitor to a Monitor Repository through AddCommands.
        monitorRepository -
        monitor -
      • setProcessingType

        void setProcessingType​(EObject measurementSpecification,
                               EObject processingType)
        Sets the Processing Type for a Measurement Specification using EMF Set Command. Used in 4th page of Wizard.
        measurementSpecification -
        processingType -
      • setAProcessingTypeAttribute

        void setAProcessingTypeAttribute​(EObject processingType,
                                         String processingTypeAttributeName,
                                         Object value)
        Sets the PT attribute using EMF Set Command. Value should be either double or int, depending on the attribute.
        processingType -
        processingTypeAttributeName - The String name of the PT Attribute that we want to set
        value -
      • setMeasuringPointToMonitor

        void setMeasuringPointToMonitor​(EObject monitor,
                                        EObject mp)
        Binds a Measuring Point to a Monitor using EMF Command.
        monitor -
        mp -
      • addServiceLevelObjectiveToRepository

        void addServiceLevelObjectiveToRepository​(EObject sloRep,
                                                  EObject slo)
        Sets the name of the Service Level Objective using EMF Set Command.
        resource - the Slo to set the name
        newName - the new name to set
      • setServiceLevelObjectiveName

        void setServiceLevelObjectiveName​(EObject slo,
                                          String name)
        Sets the name of the Service Level Objective using EMF Set Command.
        resource - the Slo to set the name
        newName - the new name to set
      • setServiceLevelObjectiveDescription

        void setServiceLevelObjectiveDescription​(EObject slo,
                                                 String newDescription)
        Sets the description of the Service Level Objective using EMF Set Command.
        resource - the Slo to set the name
        newName - the new name to set
      • setMeasurementSpecificationToServiceLevelObjective

        void setMeasurementSpecificationToServiceLevelObjective​(EObject slo,
                                                                EObject measurementSpec)
        Binds a Measurement Specification the Service Level Objective using EMF Set Command.
        resource - the Slo to set the name
        newName - the new name to set