Class StandardSetCreationProvider

  • public class StandardSetCreationProvider
    extends Object
    Provides the methods for creating the standard set depending on the resources in the project. A new MP is created and assigned to a new Monitor. Depending on the Monitors that are selected, we add a valid MeasurementSpecification <-> Metric Description pair with the Processing Type set to "Feed Through".
    • Constructor Detail

      • StandardSetCreationProvider

        public StandardSetCreationProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • createMonitorForEveryResource

        public List<org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.Monitor> createMonitorForEveryResource()
        Creates a MP <-> Monitor Pair for every resource in the workspace
        List of Monitors with MPs assigned for every resource
      • addMetricDescriptionsToAllMonitors

        public void addMetricDescriptionsToAllMonitors​(org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.Monitor[] monitorArray)
        adds suggested, valid Metric Description<->MeasurementSpecification pairs to each Monitor.
        monitorArray -
      • addSuggestedValidMetricDescriptionsToMonitor

        public void addSuggestedValidMetricDescriptionsToMonitor​(org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.Monitor monitor)
        finds all suggested Metric Descriptions for the monitor, creates mspec <-> metricDesc pair and adds it to the given Monitor.
        monitor -