Class ValidProjectAccessor

  • public class ValidProjectAccessor
    extends Object
    Used to get valid projects from the workspace. Mainly used for finding the .aird file of projects to determine if wizard work-flow can be applied on the project.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ValidProjectAccessor

        public ValidProjectAccessor()
    • Method Detail

      • getAirdFileOfProject

        public Optional<String> getAirdFileOfProject​(IProject project)
        Passes a project instead of the string of the project name.
        project - in which to search for
        the String Path to .aird File
      • getAllProjectAirdfiles

        public List<IProject> getAllProjectAirdfiles()
        Looks through each project in the workspace. If project contains an .aird file, we add it to List and return
        List of all projects that contain an .aird file