Class ProcessingTypeSelectionEditingSupport

    • Field Detail

      • tableViewer

        protected TableViewer tableViewer
        The according TableViewer object.
      • cellEditor

        protected CellEditor cellEditor
        The Editor object for the table cells.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProcessingTypeSelectionEditingSupport

        public ProcessingTypeSelectionEditingSupport​(ColumnViewer columnViewer,
                                                     TableViewer tableViewer,
                                                     ProcessingTypeSelectionWizardModel processingTypeSelectionWizardModel)
        Constructor, where basic attributes are set for further use, e. g. the according ColumnViewer, TableViewer.
        columnViewer - the given ColumnViewer
        tableViewer - the given TableViewer
        processingTypeSelectionWizardModel - the internal model handler