Class MeasurementsWizard

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IShellProvider, IWizard

    public class MeasurementsWizard
    extends Wizard
    This class handles the wizard and its wizard pages for creating a new measuring point/monitor.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MeasurementsWizard

        public MeasurementsWizard()
      • MeasurementsWizard

        public MeasurementsWizard​(WizardModelType startingPage)
        The constructor
      • MeasurementsWizard

        public MeasurementsWizard​(WizardModelType startingPage,
                                  org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.Monitor monitor)
        The constructor
    • Method Detail

      • addPropertyChangeListener

        public void addPropertyChangeListener​(PropertyChangeListener listener)
        Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the wizardManager
        listener - the PropertyChangeListener
      • getWindowWidth

        public int getWindowWidth()
        Returns the width used for the wizard window, also considers the scaling of the OS
        the width used for the wizard window, also considers the scaling of the OS
      • getWindowHeight

        public int getWindowHeight()
        Returns the height used for the wizard window, also considers the scaling of the OS
        the height used for the wizard window, also considers the scaling of the OS