Class ChooseMeasuringpointWizardPage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IDialogPage, IMessageProvider, IWizardPage

    public class ChooseMeasuringpointWizardPage
    extends WizardPage
    This is the wizard page for the first step of the creation of a measuring point. It creates all necessary ui elements like the page itself, tabs and tree viewers. It provides function to dynamically show info texts, dynamically choose the next wizard page
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChooseMeasuringpointWizardPage

        public ChooseMeasuringpointWizardPage​(MeasuringPointSelectionWizardModel selectionWizardModel)
        Constructor for the second wizard page, sets structural features like the title, the name of the page and the description
        selectionWizardModel - the needed wizard model
    • Method Detail

      • createControl

        public void createControl​(Composite parent)
        Creates the second page of the wizard, which shows a tabbed table of measuringpoints, either existing or those which can be created
        parent -
      • getNextPage

        public IWizardPage getNextPage()
        overrides the getNextPage() method of the wizard page to allow a dynamic flow of wizard pages, depending on the selected item
        Specified by:
        getNextPage in interface IWizardPage
        getNextPage in class WizardPage
      • showMessage

        public void showMessage​(TreeItem item)
        shows an informative message on the top, depending on the chosen element.
        item - the selected item
      • performAddingOperations

        public void performAddingOperations()
        adds the created measuringpoint to the monitor
        validatedNextPressed -