Class ServiceLevelObjectiveThresholdPage

    • Constructor Detail

      • ServiceLevelObjectiveThresholdPage

        public ServiceLevelObjectiveThresholdPage​(SloThresholdWizardModel model)
        Constructor for the threshold selection page
        model - the model of the Service Level Objective Threshold page
    • Method Detail

      • setVisible

        public void setVisible​(boolean visible)
        Is used to prevent bugs (force updates) in the graph if user switches back and forth between the wizard pages. This method is called if threshold page gets visible in the wizard.
        Specified by:
        setVisible in interface IDialogPage
        setVisible in class DialogPage
      • createControl

        public void createControl​(Composite parent)
        This method initializes and manages SWT-UI elements for the threshold wizard page.
      • finishTresholds

        public void finishTresholds()
        This method calls preparation methods for saving thresholds depending on the thresholds selected by the user.
      • chartSeriesHelper

        public double chartSeriesHelper​(Double[] input,
                                        double i)