Class ProcessingTypeProvider

  • public class ProcessingTypeProvider
    extends Object
    Provides the required methods to show and modify data in the 4th page.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProcessingTypeProvider

        public ProcessingTypeProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • provideBasicProcessingTypes

        public String[] provideBasicProcessingTypes()
        The five Processing types the wizard will support. Sadly PCM does not provide a class containing all Processing Types, meaning new Processing Types would need to be added manually.
        a String Array containing the names of all supported Processing Types. Needed in this format for drop-down in 4th page.
      • provideProcessingTypeProperties

        public List<String> provideProcessingTypeProperties​(String processingTypeString)
        Provides the properties for each Processing Type(PT) in String Form.
        processingTypeString - The PT to provide the properties for.
        String List of the property types.
      • assignProcessingTypeToMeasurementSpecification

        public void assignProcessingTypeToMeasurementSpecification​(org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.MeasurementSpecification measurementSpecification,
                                                                   String selectedProcessingType,
                                                                   boolean isEditing)
        Sets the PT to the selected Measurement Specification. Uses EMF SetCommand during edit mode.
        measurementSpecification -
        selectedProcessingType -
        isEditing -
      • setAProcessingTypeAttribute

        public void setAProcessingTypeAttribute​(org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.MeasurementSpecification measurementSpecification,
                                                String processingTypeProperty,
                                                Double value,
                                                boolean isEditing)
        Sets a single PT attribute.
        measurementSpecification -
        processingTypeProperty -
        value -
        isEditing -
      • getAProcessingType

        public Number getAProcessingType​(org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.MeasurementSpecification measurementSpecification,
                                         String processingTypeProperty)
        returns the value of a selected PT attribute of a selected Measurement Specification.
        measurementSpecification -
        processingTypeProperty -
        Either a double or int depending on the type of attribute.
      • getProcessingTypeString

        public String getProcessingTypeString​(org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.ProcessingType aProcessingType)
        Returns the correct name of a given ProcessingType.
        aProcessingType - the given ProcessingType
        the correct name of a given ProcessingType