Class AdditionalModelsToMeasuringpointWizardPage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IDialogPage, IMessageProvider, IWizardPage

    public class AdditionalModelsToMeasuringpointWizardPage
    extends WizardPage
    This is the wizard page for the second step of the creation of a measuring point. It only needs to be shown if certain elements are selected in the first step. It creates all necessary ui elements and provides functions to dynamically choose the next wizard page.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AdditionalModelsToMeasuringpointWizardPage

        public AdditionalModelsToMeasuringpointWizardPage​(MeasuringPointSelectionWizardModel selectionWizardModel)
        the constructor with the needed wizard model
        selectionWizardModel - the needed wizard model
    • Method Detail

      • createControl

        public void createControl​(Composite parent)
        creates the wizard page which shows additional models, which are needed depending on the chosen element from the ChooseMeasuringpointWizardpage for the creation of a new measuringpoint
      • loadData

        public void loadData()
        delays the loading of the data, because it needs to be loaded dynamically depending on the chosen element from the ChooseMeasuringpointWizardpage
      • nextPressed

        protected void nextPressed()
        performs the operations to set the chosen model to the wizard model