Class SloWizardModelManager

  • public class SloWizardModelManager
    extends Object
    This class manages the additional Service Level Objective WizardModels used in the SloWizard. Handles finishing the Wizard and saving the created or edited Slo's
    • Constructor Detail

      • SloWizardModelManager

        public SloWizardModelManager​(boolean isNewSlo,
                                     org.palladiosimulator.servicelevelobjective.ServiceLevelObjective slo)
        Constructor Creates a new empty SLO which will be edited in the wizard pages
        createNewSlo -
    • Method Detail

      • addPropertyChangeListener

        public void addPropertyChangeListener​(PropertyChangeListener listener)
        Adds the propertyChangeListener to the PropertyChangeSupport
        listener - the PropertyChangeListener
      • cancel

        public void cancel()
        Discards all changes made
      • finish

        public void finish()
        This method saves the changes made in the wizard pages to the Service Level Objective.
      • canFinish

        public boolean canFinish()
        Checks if Wizard contains all necessary informations and can be finished by the user
        true if all necessary attributes of the monitor are set and the wizard can finish
      • getWizardModel

        public WizardModelSlo getWizardModel​(SloWizardModelType sloWizardModelType)
        Creates and returns the WizardModels for the SloWizard-Pages
        wizardModelType - an enum which indicates which wizardmodel should be returned
        a wizardmodel which allows to use data methods for a specific wizardpage