Class WizardModelManager

  • public class WizardModelManager
    extends Object
    This class manages all WizardModels used in the wizard
    • Constructor Detail

      • WizardModelManager

        public WizardModelManager()
        Creates a new empty monitor which will be edited in the wizard pages
      • WizardModelManager

        public WizardModelManager​(org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.Monitor monitor)
        monitor - an existing monitor which will be edited in the wizard pages
    • Method Detail

      • addPropertyChangeListener

        public void addPropertyChangeListener​(PropertyChangeListener listener)
        Adds the propertyChangeListener to the PropertyChangeSupport
        listener - the PropertyChangeListener
      • cancel

        public void cancel()
        Discards all changes made
      • finish

        public void finish()
        Saves the changes made in the wizard pages in the Monitor and MeasuringPoint.
      • canFinish

        public boolean canFinish()
        true if all necessary attributes of the monitor are set and the wizard can finish
      • getWizardModel

        public WizardModel getWizardModel​(WizardModelType wizardModelType)
        wizardModelType - an enum which indicates which wizardmodel should be returned
        a wizardmodel which allows to use data methods for a specific wizardpage