Class MonitorTreeViewer

  • public class MonitorTreeViewer
    extends MeasurementsTreeViewer
    Generates a tree view where all monitors from a selected monitorrepository in the workspace are shown.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MonitorTreeViewer

        public MonitorTreeViewer​(Composite parent,
                                 MDirtyable dirty,
                                 org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.ECommandService commandService,
                                 org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.MonitorRepository monitorRepository)
        parent - composite where the tree view is embedded
        dirty - the dirty state which indicates whether there were changes made
        commandService - the eclipse commandservice in order to save the view
        monitorRepository - a monitor repository which is displayed with all its monitors, measurementspecifications and processing types in the tree view