
public class DataEditor extends Object
The DataEditor class provides the basic functions for working with Resources that already have an editing domain, meaning they can only be modified through EMF Commands. These methods are further implemented in ResourceEditor
  • Constructor Details

    • DataEditor

      public DataEditor()
  • Method Details

    • editResource

      public void editResource(EObject element, String attribute, Object newValue)
      Changes the EObject element's attribute to the new value using a SetCommand. Old value is overwritten. Make sure your element is attached to a resource, otherwise this will return null
      element -
      attribute -
      newValue -
    • addResource

      public void addResource(EObject element, String attribute, Object newValue)
      Command for appending a resource to an element, like a list(measurementspecifications) using the AddCommand
      element -
      attribute -
      newValue -
    • addResource

      public void addResource(EObject element, String attribute, Object newValue, EditingDomain domain)
      Command for appending a resource to an element, like a list(measurementspecifications) using the AddCommand
      element -
      attribute -
      newValue -
      domain2 -
    • addListOfResources

      public void addListOfResources(EObject element, String attribute, EList<org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.MeasurementSpecification> mSpecList)
      Command specifically for adding a list of MeasurementSpecifications to an existing Monitor.
      element -
      attribute -
      mSpecList -
    • deleteResource

      public void deleteResource(EObject element)
      Delete with DeleteCommand. Removes an element out of its domain.
      element - The Element to delete
    • deleteMultipleResources

      public void deleteMultipleResources(EList<org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.MeasurementSpecification> element)
      Deletes a List of MeasurementSpecifications out of the domain. See ResourceEditorImpl.
      element -