Class ElapsedTimeConfig

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ElapsedTimeConfig extends AbstractConfiguration
Configuration class for ElapsedTime termination criterion.
  • Constructor Details

    • ElapsedTimeConfig

      public ElapsedTimeConfig()
  • Method Details

    • validateConfiguration

      public boolean validateConfiguration()
      Checks the configuration object for correctness. Should be called before accessing any of the data of the configuration object
      true - The configuration is correct false - The configuration is incomplete or wrong
    • setExecutionInterval

      public void setExecutionInterval(long timeInMilis) throws InvalidConfigException
      Sets the minimum time that the optimization is allowed to run.
      timeInMilis - The minimum time in milliseconds that the optimization is allowed to run. Should be at least 1.
      InvalidConfigException - if the supplied parameter do not conform to the required conditions.
    • getExecutionInterval

      public long getExecutionInterval()
      Returns the minimum time in milliseconds that the optimization is allowed to run.
      the minimum time in milliseconds that the optimization is allowed to run.
    • setTimeType

      public void setTimeType(ElapsedTimeConfig.TimeType timeType) throws InvalidConfigException
      Sets the type of the time that is going to be measured: Pure-CPU time or Clock time. Please note that the measurement of the SPU-Time might not always be possible. If this is the case, then the criterion will automatically switch to Clock time.
      timeType - the type of the time to be measured.
      InvalidConfigException - if the supplied parameter do not conform to the required conditions.
    • getTimeType

      public ElapsedTimeConfig.TimeType getTimeType()
      Returns the type of the time that is going to be measured.
      the type of the time that is going to be measured.