Package org.palladiosimulator.qes.qualityEffectSpecification.impl
package org.palladiosimulator.qes.qualityEffectSpecification.impl
ClassesClassDescriptionAn implementation of the model object 'Annotation'.An implementation of the model object 'Assembly'.An implementation of the model object 'Component Property'.An implementation of the model object 'Component Specification'.An implementation of the model object 'Entry'.An implementation of the model object 'Identifier'.An implementation of the model object 'Model'.An implementation of the model object 'Name'.An implementation of the model object 'NQA'.An implementation of the model object 'Numeric Value'.An implementation of the model Factory.An implementation of the model object 'Quality Effect Specification'.An implementation of the model Package.An implementation of the model object 'Reasoning'.An implementation of the model object 'Resource'.An implementation of the model object 'Resource Property'.An implementation of the model object 'Role'.An implementation of the model object 'Role Property'.An implementation of the model object 'Rule'.An implementation of the model object 'Transformation Specification'.An implementation of the model object 'Type'.