Class InsignificantParetoFrontChangeConfig

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InsignificantParetoFrontChangeConfig extends AbstractConfiguration
Configuration class for InsignificantParetoFrontChange termination criterion.
  • Constructor Details

    • InsignificantParetoFrontChangeConfig

      public InsignificantParetoFrontChangeConfig()
  • Method Details

    • validateConfiguration

      public boolean validateConfiguration()
      Checks the configuration object for correctness. Should be called before accessing any of the data of the configuration object
      true - The configuration is correct false - The configuration is incomplete or wrong
    • setMinimumAllowedDifference

      public void setMinimumAllowedDifference(double percentages) throws InvalidConfigException
      Set the minimum allowed difference between the two fronts. If the difference, measured in coverage percentages is smaller then the one entered here, then the improvement is considered insignificant. Else it is not. The parameter is a percentage value and is exacted to be in the interval [0, 1].
      percentages - Minimum allowed difference between the two pareto fronts. A percentage value in the interval [0, 1]
      InvalidConfigException - if the supplied parameter do not conform to the required conditions.
    • getMinimumAllowedDifference

      public double getMinimumAllowedDifference()
      Returns the minimum allowed difference, measured in coverage percentages between the two fronts. The value is guaranteed to be in the interval [0, 1]
      the minimum allowed difference, measured in coverage percentages between the two fronts.
    • setPastIterationNumber

      public void setPastIterationNumber(int pastInterationNumber) throws InvalidConfigException
      Sets the number for the x. past iteration to compare the current pareto front with.
      compareWithIterationsAgo - the number for the x. past generation to compare the current pareto front with.
      InvalidConfigException - if the supplied parameter do not conform to the required conditions.
    • getPastIterationNumber

      public int getPastIterationNumber()
      Get the number for the x. past generation to compare the current pareto front with.
      the number for the x. past generation to compare the current pareto front with.