Class GenomeToCandidateModelTransformation


public class GenomeToCandidateModelTransformation extends Object
see also Cite from there: This query accesses the derived isManager property and calls the reportsTo(Employee) operation, both of which we implemented using OCL. It is worth noting here that OCL encourages the definition of additional properties and operations externally to the model, as conveniences for the formulation of constraints. The OCL implementation supports these "def:" expressions via the OCL.parse() and OCLHelper.define() APIs.
  • Constructor Details

    • GenomeToCandidateModelTransformation

      public GenomeToCandidateModelTransformation()
  • Method Details

    • transform

      public List<Choice> transform(List<EObject> rootElements, Candidate candidate)
      The generic transformation method
      rootElements - The initial architecture model or the architecture model of any other candidate.
      candidate - The decision vector to apply.
      The choices that have not been transformed, e.g. because no GDoF has been specified from them
    • transformChoice

      public boolean transformChoice(List<EObject> rootElements, Choice choice)
    • setProperty

      public static void setProperty(EObject changeableElement, EStructuralFeature property, Object value)
    • getProperty

      public static Object getProperty(EObject changeableElement, EStructuralFeature property)
    • valueRule

      public static Object valueRule(ChangeableElementDescription ced, EObject changeableElement, List<EObject> rootElements)
    • valueRuleForCollection

      public static Collection<Object> valueRuleForCollection(ChangeableElementDescription ced, EObject changeableElement, List<EObject> rootElements)
    • transform

      public List<Choice> transform(org.palladiosimulator.solver.core.models.PCMInstance pcm, Candidate candidate)
      PCM specific method to conveniently call the transformation
      pcm -
      candidate -
      The choices that have not been transformed, e.g. because no GDoF has been specified from them
    • getPCMRootElements

      public static List<EObject> getPCMRootElements(org.palladiosimulator.solver.core.models.PCMInstance pcm)
    • transformChoice

      public boolean transformChoice(org.palladiosimulator.solver.core.models.PCMInstance pcm, Choice choice)
      PCM specific method to conveniently call the transformation for one Choice
      pcm -
      candidate -