Interface IProblemExtension

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IProblemExtension
    Extension part of IModule. This part will be during the problem examination process of the model.
    • Method Detail

      • initializeProblem

        void initializeProblem​(de.uka.ipd.sdq.workflow.mdsd.blackboard.MDSDBlackboard blackboard,
                               List<DegreeOfFreedomInstance> dds,
                               org.opt4j.genotype.ListGenotype<Choice> initialCandidate,
                               org.palladiosimulator.solver.models.PCMInstance initialInstance,
                               CostRepository costRepo)
        Initialize Module during problem examination. Add new DoFIs and default Choices.
        blackboard - the blackboard
        dds - the list of DoFIs
        initialCandidate - the initial candiate's choices
        initialInstance - the initial PCMInstance
        costRepo - the default cost repository
      • determineInitialGenotype

        void determineInitialGenotype​(de.uka.ipd.sdq.workflow.mdsd.blackboard.MDSDBlackboard blackboard,
                                      DecisionSpace problem,
                                      org.opt4j.genotype.ListGenotype<Choice> genotype,
                                      org.palladiosimulator.solver.models.PCMInstance initialInstance,
                                      CostRepository costRepo)
        Initialize Module during problem examination. Add new DoFIs and default Choices.
        blackboard - the blackboard
        problem - the initial design space
        genotype - the initial genotype
        initialInstance - the initial PCMInstance
        costRepo - the default cost repository