Interface IAnalysisResult

All Known Subinterfaces:
ILQNResult, IPerformanceAnalysisResult, IStatisticAnalysisResult
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPerformanceAnalysisResult, CostAnalysisResult, DummyAnalysisResult, FeatureAnalysisResult, LQNNotConvergedResult, LQNResult, LQNSolverAnalysisResult, LQSimAnalysisResult, ReliabilityAnalysisResult, SecurityAnalysisResult, SimuComAnalysisEDP2Result, SimuComAnalysisResult, SimuComAnalysisSensorFrameworkResult, SimulizarAnalysisResult

public interface IAnalysisResult
Class to store the results of a DSE analysis step. IAnalysisResults abstract from the actual analysis that was conducted, e.g. SimuCom or an LQN analysis. The results are stored in an general way here. Initially, this is just a mean value. Later, this class can be extended to include more sophisticated results. Maybe later I could have make this an interface defining several methods that is then implemented by classes such as SimuComAnalysisResults (which stores the Measurements). This is one dimension of differences in analysis results. Additionally, I have different DSEConstantsContainer.QualityAttributes as analysis results and for each, different metrics that may be of interest. The different metrics are derived for different PCM entities, e.g. the utilisation of a resource for performance or the response time of a service or scenario for performance. However, I will leave this aside for now and just do what I need for SimuCom Performance results with mean response time values for scenarios.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getValueFor(org.opt4j.core.Criterion criterion)
    Get the value of an analysis result.
  • Method Details

    • getValueFor

      double getValueFor(org.opt4j.core.Criterion criterion)
      Get the value of an analysis result. For more information on the type of value use IStatisticAnalysisResult
      value calculated from this analysis result
      AnalysisFailedException - if the value could not be calculated (e.g. because the results are null or because the R connection is not working.