Class RRegressionConnectionImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • RRegressionConnectionImpl

        public RRegressionConnectionImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • assign

        public void assign​(String name,
                           int[] array)
        Description copied from interface: RRegressionConnection
        Stores an array in a R variable.
        Specified by:
        assign in interface RRegressionConnection
        name - Name of the R variable in which the array is stored.
        array - Array to store in an R variable.
      • assign

        public void assign​(String name,
                           String[] array)
        Description copied from interface: RRegressionConnection
        Stores an array in a R variable.
        Specified by:
        assign in interface RRegressionConnection
        name - Name of the R variable in which the array is stored.
        array - Array to store in an R variable.
      • checkPackageAvailability

        public void checkPackageAvailability​(String packageName)
        Checks the availability of the package with the given name in R. If it is not available an error message is logged and displayed.
        Specified by:
        checkPackageAvailability in interface RRegressionConnection
        packageName - The name of the R package.
      • initalizeConnection

        protected void initalizeConnection()
        Initializes the connection to a R engine.
      • execute

        public Vector<org.rosuda.REngine.REXP> execute​(String rCommands)
        Description copied from interface: IRConnection
        Executes the command(s) in R.
        Specified by:
        execute in interface IRConnection
        rCommands - One or more valid commands in R, separated by \n.
        result Result returned from R. Empty if no result was returned.
      • isEngineAvailable

        public static boolean isEngineAvailable()
        checks if an R engine could be found and the connection is established.
        true if the connection is established.
      • assign

        public void assign​(String name,
                           double[] array)
        Description copied from interface: IRConnection
        Stores an array in a R variable.
        Specified by:
        assign in interface IRConnection
        name - Name of the R variable in which the array is stored.
        array - Array to store in an R variable.