AbstractEvaluationScope |
This class provides basic functionality for all classes that wish to provide a scope to evaluate
the power/energy consumption of resources.
Activator |
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
ConsumptionContext |
Subsumes all the required information for evaluating the power consumption of a software system.
EvaluationScope |
This class represents the scope under which the energy consumption of a software system is
InterpreterUtils |
Utility class that contains common classes, methods or objects used at multiple locations in the
power interpreter project.
PowerConsumptionSwitch |
This class is used as the basis of interpreters that evaluate the power consumption of
Infrastructure models.
PowerModelRegistry |
Registry through which the power models of the resources and distribution units are managed.
PowerModelUpdaterSwitch |
Switch used by an interpreter to update the power models for elements depending on the
{@see PowerAssemblyContext} that has been set for them.