Class ExtendedMeasureProviderConfigurationUI

    • Constructor Detail

      • ExtendedMeasureProviderConfigurationUI

        public ExtendedMeasureProviderConfigurationUI()
    • Method Detail

      • createControl

        public abstract void createControl​(Composite parent)
        Creates the top level control for this properties tab under the given parent composite. This method is called once on tab creation.
        parent - the parent composite
      • getControl

        public abstract Control getControl()
        Return the top level control. createControl has to be executed first.
        the top level control
      • initializeFrom

        public abstract void initializeFrom​(Map<String,​Object> configuration)
        Initializes this tab's controls with values from the given properties map. This method is called when a configuration is selected to view or edit, after this tab's control has been created.
        configuration - the properties
      • performApply

        public abstract void performApply​(Map<String,​Object> configuration)
        Copies values from this tab into the given properties map.
        configuration - the properties
      • getErrorMessage

        public abstract String getErrorMessage()
        Returns the current error message for this tab. May be null to indicate no error message.
        the error message, or null if none
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid()
        Returns whether this tab is in a valid state.
        whether this tab is in a valid state
      • getName

        public abstract String getName()
        Returns the name of this tab.
        the name of this tab