Class ExpressionOasisConfig

  • public class ExpressionOasisConfig
    extends Object
    The configuration settings for ExpressionOasis. These are loaded from an XML file by the Simple XML framework based on the annotations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExpressionOasisConfig

        public ExpressionOasisConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • shouldCacheCompiledExpressions

        public boolean shouldCacheCompiledExpressions()
        Determines whether the expression engine should cache RPN token stacks for expression strings
        true if the expression engine should cache RPN token stacks for expression strings
      • getExpressionConfigs

        public List<ExpressionConfig> getExpressionConfigs()
        Retieves a list of expressions configured for the expression engine.
        a list of expressions configured for the expression engine.
      • getFunctionProviders

        public List<FunctionProvider> getFunctionProviders()
        Retrieves a list of function providers configured for the expression engine
        a list of function providers configured for the expression engine
      • getGrammar

        public Grammar getGrammar()
      • getGrammarPath

        public String getGrammarPath()