Interface Expression

    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        ValueObject getValue()
                      throws ExpressionEngineException
        Executes and returns the value of this expression. If expression is not at node level, it will further evaluate its related expression which may represents operands or operators and return the final outcome.
        the value of expression (after expression evaluation)
        ExpressionEngineException - if there is any problem during execution
      • initialize

        void initialize​(ExpressionContext expressionContext,
                        Object parameters,
                        boolean validate)
                 throws ExpressionEngineException
        This is used to initialize the expression.
        expressionContext - contextual information, may help in initialization
        parameters - for example, sub expressions and identifiers
        ExpressionEngineException - if there is any problem during execution
      • uninitialize

        void uninitialize​(ExpressionContext expressionContext)
        This is used to un-initialize the expression, so that expression can be reused.
        expressionContext - contextual information, may help in un-initialization
      • accept

        void accept​(ExpressionVisitor visitor)
        Implements visitor pattern.
        visitor - a visitor object that this expression must visit when accept is called.