Interface IProductionRule

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IProductionRule
    This class represents the interface to define the production rule for any grammar. It provides the way to define a valid token for the parser.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        Returns the name of production rule.
        the name of production rule
      • isApproaching

        boolean isApproaching​(String pattern)
        Checks whether the given token is approachable using any of the pattern or not. Given token can be partially or fully constructed token during parsing process. Parser/DefaultXMLGrammar generally calls this method to check whether the current token can be combined with next character of expression to form some meaningful token or not. If not, then it utilize the existing collected characters as one token, otherwise it keep collecting characters.
        token - the token, partially or full constructed, to check whether it can approach to any expression token pattern or not.
        true if the token pattern is approachable false otherwise.
      • isAllowed

        boolean isAllowed​(String token)
        Checks whether the token is allowed or not. A token is fully constructed token. DefaultXMLGrammar/Parser generally calls this method to check whether the current token is a valid token as per the production rules or not.
        token - the token which is to be checked for its validity
        true if the token is allowed false otherwise.