Class SLOViewsWizard

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IShellProvider, IWizard, INewWizard, IWorkbenchWizard

    public class SLOViewsWizard
    extends Wizard
    implements INewWizard
    A wizard which is opened upon double clicking an experiment run or a measurement. If the wizard is started by double clicking a measurement, the user is prompted to select either a visualization for the raw data or a corresponding service level objective (SLO) fulfillment report visualization. If the user selects a SLO visualization, a repository containing available SLO has to be imported and an SLO applicable to the metric description of the selected measurements has to be chosen. Next the thresholds of the SLO need to be specified. Then the chosen SLO fulfillment report is generated. If the wizard is started by double clicking an experiment run, the user can select an arbitrary number of measurements, though all selected measurements need to have the same metric type. Next a repository containing available SLO has to be imported and an SLO applicable to the metric description of the selected measurements has to be chosen. If more than one measurement was selected, the user needs to specify how the data are to be aggregated. After the thresholds of the selected SLO are set the user can chose between available SLO fulfillment report visualizations. The chosen report is then generated.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SLOViewsWizard

        public SLOViewsWizard()
        Constructor. Used if the wizard is started from double clicking on an experiment run.
        experimentRun - The double clicked experiment run containing the measuring points.
      • SLOViewsWizard

        public SLOViewsWizard​(List<org.palladiosimulator.edp2.visualization.jfreechart.input.JFreeChartVisualizationSingleDatastreamInput> inputs)
    • Method Detail

      • canAccept

        public boolean canAccept​(org.palladiosimulator.edp2.datastream.IDataSource source)
        Method checking whether a source is a two dimensional data source with a metric using real or integer values. If not, false is returned.
        source - The source to check.
      • setFinishable

        public void setFinishable​(boolean finishable)
      • getSelectedMeasurements

        public List<org.palladiosimulator.edp2.models.ExperimentData.Measurement> getSelectedMeasurements()
      • setSelectedMeasurements

        public void setSelectedMeasurements​(List<org.palladiosimulator.edp2.models.ExperimentData.Measurement> selectedMeasurements)
      • getSelectedDefault

        public org.palladiosimulator.edp2.datastream.chaindescription.ChainDescription getSelectedDefault()
      • setSelectedDefault

        public void setSelectedDefault​(org.palladiosimulator.edp2.datastream.chaindescription.ChainDescription selectedDefault)
      • setAggregatedData

        public void setAggregatedData​(double[][] aggregatedData)
      • getAggregatedData

        public double[][] getAggregatedData()
      • getSelectedTimestepInterval

        public double getSelectedTimestepInterval()
      • setSelectedTimestepInterval

        public void setSelectedTimestepInterval​(double selectedTimestepInterval)
      • setMeasuringPointLabel

        public void setMeasuringPointLabel​(String label)
      • getMeasuringPointLabel

        public String getMeasuringPointLabel()