Class AbstractRunQueue

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRunQueue

        protected AbstractRunQueue()
    • Method Detail

      • getCurrentLoad

        public int getCurrentLoad()
        Description copied from interface: IRunQueue
        Returns the current number of processes in the ready queues.
        Specified by:
        getCurrentLoad in interface IRunQueue
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Specified by:
        isEmpty in interface IRunQueue
        True, if there are no processes in the runqueue.
      • removeProcess

        public boolean removeProcess​(IActiveProcess process)
        Description copied from interface: IRunQueue
        Removes a process from the runqueue.
        Specified by:
        removeProcess in interface IRunQueue
        True, if the process was removed. False, if the process was not found in the queue.
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(IActiveProcess process)
        Specified by:
        contains in interface IRunQueue
        process - Process of interest.
        True, if the process is in this runqueue, otherwise false.
      • addProcess

        public void addProcess​(IActiveProcess process,
                               boolean inFront)
        Description copied from interface: IRunQueue
        Adds a process to the runqueue.
        Specified by:
        addProcess in interface IRunQueue
        inFront - If true, the process is added at the beginning of its queue, otherwise it is added at the queue's end.
      • containsRunning

        public boolean containsRunning​(IActiveProcess process)
        Description copied from interface: IRunQueue
        Checks if the runqueue contains a running process.
        Specified by:
        containsRunning in interface IRunQueue
        process - Process of interest.
        True, if the process is in the running list of the runqueue, otherwise false.
      • removeRunning

        public void removeRunning​(IActiveProcess process)
        Description copied from interface: IRunQueue
        Removes a running process from the runqueue.
        Specified by:
        removeRunning in interface IRunQueue
        process - Process of interest.
      • setRunningOn

        public void setRunningOn​(IActiveProcess process,
                                 IResourceInstance instance)
        Description copied from interface: IRunQueue
        Sets the given process as running on the specified instance. Note that the process must not be marked as running on another instance.
        Specified by:
        setRunningOn in interface IRunQueue
        process - Process to run.
        instance - Instance the process shall run on.
      • isIdle

        public boolean isIdle​(IResourceInstance instance)
        Description copied from interface: IRunQueue
        True, if there is no process running on the given resource. Furthermore, the pending queue has to be empty if there is only one instance.
        Specified by:
        isIdle in interface IRunQueue
      • containsPending

        public abstract boolean containsPending​(IActiveProcess process)
        Template Method. Returns
        Specified by:
        containsPending in interface IRunQueue
        process -
      • numWaitingProcesses

        protected abstract int numWaitingProcesses()
        Template Method. Returns the number of processs waiting in the queue.
      • removePendingProcess

        public abstract boolean removePendingProcess​(IActiveProcess process)
        Template method. Removes the given process from the queue.
        Specified by:
        removePendingProcess in interface IRunQueue
        process -
        True, if the process was successfully removed, otherwise (if the process was not found) false.
      • addProcessToRunQueue

        protected abstract void addProcessToRunQueue​(IActiveProcess process,
                                                     boolean inFront)
        Template method.
        process -
        inFront -