All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description AbsoluteReference A representation of the model object 'Absolute Reference'.AbsoluteReferenceImpl An implementation of the model object 'Absolute Reference'.AbstractRepoLangIdeModule Manual modifications go toRepoLangIdeModule
.AbstractRepoLangProposalProvider Represents a generated, default implementation of superclassTerminalsProposalProvider
.AbstractRepoLangRuntimeModule Manual modifications go toRepoLangRuntimeModule
.AbstractRepoLangScopeProvider AbstractRepoLangUiModule Manual modifications go toRepoLangUiModule
.AbstractRepoLangValidator AbstractTPCMIdeModule Manual modifications go toTPCMIdeModule
.AbstractTPCMProposalProvider Represents a generated, default implementation of superclassStoexProposalProvider
.AbstractTPCMRuntimeModule Manual modifications go toTPCMRuntimeModule
.AbstractTPCMScopeProvider AbstractTPCMUiModule Manual modifications go toTPCMUiModule
.AbstractTPCMValidator Activator The activator class controls the plug-in life cycleAllocation A representation of the model object 'Allocation'.AllocationContext A representation of the model object 'Allocation Context'.AllocationContextImpl An implementation of the model object 'Allocation Context'.AllocationImpl An implementation of the model object 'Allocation'.AllocationSpecification A representation of the model object 'Allocation Specification'.AllocationSpecificationImpl An implementation of the model object 'Allocation Specification'.AssemblyContext A representation of the model object 'Assembly Context'.AssemblyContextImpl An implementation of the model object 'Assembly Context'.CharacteristicReference A representation of the model object 'Characteristic Reference'.CharacteristicReferenceImpl An implementation of the model object 'Characteristic Reference'.ClosedWorkload A representation of the model object 'Closed Workload'.ClosedWorkloadImpl An implementation of the model object 'Closed Workload'.CollectionDatatype A representation of the model object 'Collection Datatype'.CollectionDatatypeImpl An implementation of the model object 'Collection Datatype'.CommunicationLinkType A representation of the model object 'Communication Link Type'.CommunicationLinkTypeImpl An implementation of the model object 'Communication Link Type'.ComplexResultAssignment A representation of the model object 'Complex Result Assignment'.ComplexResultAssignmentImpl An implementation of the model object 'Complex Result Assignment'.Component A representation of the model object 'Component'.Component A representation of the model object 'Component'.ComponentImpl An implementation of the model object 'Component'.ComponentImpl An implementation of the model object 'Component'.ComposedDatatype A representation of the model object 'Composed Datatype'.ComposedDatatypeElement A representation of the model object 'Composed Datatype Element'.ComposedDatatypeElementImpl An implementation of the model object 'Composed Datatype Element'.ComposedDatatypeImpl An implementation of the model object 'Composed Datatype'.CompositeComponent A representation of the model object 'Composite Component'.CompositeComponentImpl An implementation of the model object 'Composite Component'.Connector A representation of the model object 'Connector'.ConnectorImpl An implementation of the model object 'Connector'.Content A representation of the model object 'Content'.ContentImpl An implementation of the model object 'Content'.Datatype A representation of the model object 'Datatype'.DatatypeImpl An implementation of the model object 'Datatype'.DefaultStoexTypeConverter DomainInterface A representation of the model object 'Domain Interface'.DomainInterfaceImpl An implementation of the model object 'Domain Interface'.DomainInterfaceProvidedRole A representation of the model object 'Domain Interface Provided Role'.DomainInterfaceProvidedRoleImpl An implementation of the model object 'Domain Interface Provided Role'.EntryLevelSystemCallAction A representation of the model object 'Entry Level System Call Action'.EntryLevelSystemCallActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Entry Level System Call Action'.EventSignature A representation of the model object 'Event Signature'.EventSignatureImpl An implementation of the model object 'Event Signature'.ExecutableExtensionFactory FailureType A representation of the model object 'Failure Type'.FailureTypeImpl An implementation of the model object 'Failure Type'.FeatureBasedTraversalError Fragment A representation of the model object 'Fragment'.FragmentImpl An implementation of the model object 'Fragment'.IExpressionPrimitiveTypeInference Import A representation of the model object 'Import'.ImportedRepository A representation of the model object 'Imported Repository'.ImportedRepositoryImpl An implementation of the model object 'Imported Repository'.ImportImpl An implementation of the model object 'Import'.INamedReferenceDataTypeResolver Initialization A representation of the model object 'Initialization'.InitializationImpl An implementation of the model object 'Initialization'.InsertStringHandler InsertStringHandler.LeftGuillemet InsertStringHandler.RightGuillemet Interface A representation of the model object 'Interface'.Interface A representation of the model object 'Interface'.InterfaceContent A representation of the model object 'Interface Content'.InterfaceContentImpl An implementation of the model object 'Interface Content'.InterfaceImpl An implementation of the model object 'Interface'.InterfaceImpl An implementation of the model object 'Interface'.InterfaceRequiredRole A representation of the model object 'Interface Required Role'.InterfaceRequiredRoleImpl An implementation of the model object 'Interface Required Role'.InternalConfigurableInterface A representation of the model object 'Internal Configurable Interface'.InternalConfigurableInterfaceImpl An implementation of the model object 'Internal Configurable Interface'.InternalInterfaceProvidedRole A representation of the model object 'Internal Interface Provided Role'.InternalInterfaceProvidedRoleImpl An implementation of the model object 'Internal Interface Provided Role'.InternalRepoLangLexer InternalRepoLangLexer InternalRepoLangParser InternalRepoLangParser InternalTPCMLexer InternalTPCMLexer InternalTPCMParser InternalTPCMParser IPrimitiveTypeComparison IPrimitiveTypeComparison.DefaultComparison IStoexTypeConverter LanguageAdapterFactory The Adapter Factory for the model.LanguageFactory The Factory for the model.LanguageFactoryImpl An implementation of the model Factory.LanguagePackage The Package for the model.LanguagePackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data typeLanguagePackageImpl An implementation of the model Package.LanguageSwitch<T> The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.LinkingResource A representation of the model object 'Linking Resource'.LinkingResourceImpl An implementation of the model object 'Linking Resource'.Model A representation of the model object 'Model'.ModelImpl An implementation of the model object 'Model'.NamedElement A representation of the model object 'Named Element'.NamedElementImpl An implementation of the model object 'Named Element'.NamedReferenceDataTypeResolver NonProbabilisticStoexExpressionTypeInference OpenWorkload A representation of the model object 'Open Workload'.OpenWorkloadImpl An implementation of the model object 'Open Workload'.OperationSignature A representation of the model object 'Operation Signature'.OperationSignatureImpl An implementation of the model object 'Operation Signature'.PalladioEditorOpener PalladioQualifiedNameProvider PalladioResourceDescriptionStrategy PalladioRuntimeModule PalladioSupport PalladioUiModule Parameter A representation of the model object 'Parameter'.ParameterImpl An implementation of the model object 'Parameter'.ParameterSpecification A representation of the model object 'Parameter Specification'.ParameterSpecificationImpl An implementation of the model object 'Parameter Specification'.PartialRepoLangContentAssistParser PartialTPCMContentAssistParser PassiveResource A representation of the model object 'Passive Resource'.PassiveResourceImpl An implementation of the model object 'Passive Resource'.PrimitiveDatatype A representation of the model object 'Primitive Datatype'.PrimitiveDatatypeImpl An implementation of the model object 'Primitive Datatype'.PrimitiveResultAssignment A representation of the model object 'Primitive Result Assignment'.PrimitiveResultAssignmentImpl An implementation of the model object 'Primitive Result Assignment'.PrimitiveTypeEnum A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Primitive Type Enum', and utility methods for working with them.ProcessingResource A representation of the model object 'Processing Resource'.ProcessingResourceImpl An implementation of the model object 'Processing Resource'.ProcessingResourceType A representation of the model object 'Processing Resource Type'.ProcessingResourceTypeImpl An implementation of the model object 'Processing Resource Type'.PropertyDefinition A representation of the model object 'Property Definition'.PropertyDefinitionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Property Definition'.PropertyInitializer A representation of the model object 'Property Initializer'.PropertyInitializerImpl An implementation of the model object 'Property Initializer'.RelativeReference A representation of the model object 'Relative Reference'.RelativeReferenceImpl An implementation of the model object 'Relative Reference'.RepoLangAdapterFactory The Adapter Factory for the model.RepoLangAntlrTokenFileProvider RepoLangDescriptionLabelProvider Provides labels for IEObjectDescriptions and IResourceDescriptions.RepoLangExecutableExtensionFactory This class was generated.RepoLangFactory The Factory for the model.RepoLangFactoryImpl An implementation of the model Factory.RepoLangGenerator Generates code from your model files on save.RepoLangGrammarAccess RepoLangIdeModule Use this class to register ide components.RepoLangIdeSetup Initialization support for running Xtext languages as language servers.RepoLangImportURIGlobalScopeProvider RepoLangLabelProvider Provides labels for EObjects.RepoLangOutlineTreeProvider Customization of the default outline structure.RepoLangPackage The Package for the model.RepoLangPackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data typeRepoLangPackageImpl An implementation of the model Package.RepoLangParser RepoLangParser RepoLangParser.NameMappings RepoLangProposalProvider See on how to customize the content assistant.RepoLangQuickfixProvider Custom quickfixes.RepoLangRuntimeModule Use this class to register components to be used at runtime / without the Equinox extension registry.RepoLangScopeProvider This class contains custom scoping description.RepoLangSemanticSequencer RepoLangStandaloneIdeSetup Initialization support for running Xtext languages as language servers.RepoLangStandaloneModule RepoLangStandaloneSetup Initialization support for running Xtext languages without Equinox extension registry.RepoLangStandaloneSetupGenerated RepoLangSwitch<T> The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.RepoLangSyntacticSequencer RepoLangUiModule Use this class to register components to be used within the Eclipse IDE.RepoLangValidator This class contains custom validation rules.Repository A representation of the model object 'Repository'.Repository A representation of the model object 'Repository'.RepositoryActivator This class was generated.RepositoryImpl An implementation of the model object 'Repository'.RepositoryImpl An implementation of the model object 'Repository'.RepositoryNameProvider ResourceContainer A representation of the model object 'Resource Container'.ResourceContainerContent A representation of the model object 'Resource Container Content'.ResourceContainerContentImpl An implementation of the model object 'Resource Container Content'.ResourceContainerImpl An implementation of the model object 'Resource Container'.ResourceEntity A representation of the model object 'Resource Entity'.ResourceEntityImpl An implementation of the model object 'Resource Entity'.ResourceEntityType A representation of the model object 'Resource Entity Type'.ResourceEntityTypeImpl An implementation of the model object 'Resource Entity Type'.ResourceEnvironment A representation of the model object 'Resource Environment'.ResourceEnvironmentImpl An implementation of the model object 'Resource Environment'.ResourceFailureSpecification A representation of the model object 'Resource Failure Specification'.ResourceFailureSpecificationImpl An implementation of the model object 'Resource Failure Specification'.ResourceInterface A representation of the model object 'Resource Interface'.ResourceInterfaceImpl An implementation of the model object 'Resource Interface'.ResourceInterfaceProvidedRole A representation of the model object 'Resource Interface Provided Role'.ResourceInterfaceProvidedRoleImpl An implementation of the model object 'Resource Interface Provided Role'.ResourceType A representation of the model object 'Resource Type'.ResourceTypeContent A representation of the model object 'Resource Type Content'.ResourceTypeContentImpl An implementation of the model object 'Resource Type Content'.ResourceTypeImpl An implementation of the model object 'Resource Type'.ResourceTypeRepository A representation of the model object 'Resource Type Repository'.ResourceTypeRepositoryImpl An implementation of the model object 'Resource Type Repository'.ResultAssignment A representation of the model object 'Result Assignment'.ResultAssignmentImpl An implementation of the model object 'Result Assignment'.ResultSpecification A representation of the model object 'Result Specification'.ResultSpecificationImpl An implementation of the model object 'Result Specification'.Role A representation of the model object 'Role'.RoleImpl An implementation of the model object 'Role'.RoleSpecification A representation of the model object 'Role Specification'.RoleSpecificationImpl An implementation of the model object 'Role Specification'.ScenarioBranch A representation of the model object 'Scenario Branch'.ScenarioBranchAction A representation of the model object 'Scenario Branch Action'.ScenarioBranchActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Scenario Branch Action'.ScenarioBranchImpl An implementation of the model object 'Scenario Branch'.ScenarioContent A representation of the model object 'Scenario Content'.ScenarioContentImpl An implementation of the model object 'Scenario Content'.ScenarioDelayAction A representation of the model object 'Scenario Delay Action'.ScenarioDelayActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Scenario Delay Action'.ScenarioLoopAction A representation of the model object 'Scenario Loop Action'.ScenarioLoopActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Scenario Loop Action'.Seff A representation of the model object 'Seff'.SEFF A representation of the model object 'SEFF'.SeffAcquireAction A representation of the model object 'Seff Acquire Action'.SeffAcquireActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Acquire Action'.SeffAction A representation of the model object 'Seff Action'.SEFFActionContainer A representation of the model object 'SEFF Action Container'.SEFFActionContainerImpl An implementation of the model object 'SEFF Action Container'.SeffActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Action'.SEFFAssignment A representation of the model object 'SEFF Assignment'.SEFFAssignmentImpl An implementation of the model object 'SEFF Assignment'.SEFFAssignmentOrCall A representation of the model object 'SEFF Assignment Or Call'.SEFFAssignmentOrCallImpl An implementation of the model object 'SEFF Assignment Or Call'.SeffBranch A representation of the model object 'Seff Branch'.SeffBranchImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Branch'.SEFFCallAction A representation of the model object 'SEFF Call Action'.SEFFCallActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'SEFF Call Action'.SeffCallParameter A representation of the model object 'Seff Call Parameter'.SeffCallParameterImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Call Parameter'.SEFFConditionalAction A representation of the model object 'SEFF Conditional Action'.SEFFConditionalActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'SEFF Conditional Action'.SEFFConditionalAlternative A representation of the model object 'SEFF Conditional Alternative'.SEFFConditionalAlternativeImpl An implementation of the model object 'SEFF Conditional Alternative'.SEFFConditionalElse A representation of the model object 'SEFF Conditional Else'.SEFFConditionalElseIf A representation of the model object 'SEFF Conditional Else If'.SEFFConditionalElseIfImpl An implementation of the model object 'SEFF Conditional Else If'.SEFFConditionalElseImpl An implementation of the model object 'SEFF Conditional Else'.SEFFContent A representation of the model object 'SEFF Content'.SEFFContentImpl An implementation of the model object 'SEFF Content'.SeffExternalCallAction A representation of the model object 'Seff External Call Action'.SeffExternalCallActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff External Call Action'.SeffFork A representation of the model object 'Seff Fork'.SeffForkAction A representation of the model object 'Seff Fork Action'.SeffForkActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Fork Action'.SeffForkImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Fork'.SeffGuardedBranch A representation of the model object 'Seff Guarded Branch'.SeffGuardedBranchAction A representation of the model object 'Seff Guarded Branch Action'.SeffGuardedBranchActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Guarded Branch Action'.SeffGuardedBranchImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Guarded Branch'.SeffImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff'.SEFFImpl An implementation of the model object 'SEFF'.SeffInternalAction A representation of the model object 'Seff Internal Action'.SeffInternalActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Internal Action'.SEFFIterateAction A representation of the model object 'SEFF Iterate Action'.SEFFIterateActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'SEFF Iterate Action'.SeffLoopAction A representation of the model object 'Seff Loop Action'.SEFFLoopAction A representation of the model object 'SEFF Loop Action'.SeffLoopActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Loop Action'.SEFFLoopActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'SEFF Loop Action'.SEFFProbabilisticAction A representation of the model object 'SEFF Probabilistic Action'.SEFFProbabilisticActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'SEFF Probabilistic Action'.SeffProbabilisticBranch A representation of the model object 'Seff Probabilistic Branch'.SEFFProbabilisticBranch A representation of the model object 'SEFF Probabilistic Branch'.SeffProbabilisticBranchAction A representation of the model object 'Seff Probabilistic Branch Action'.SeffProbabilisticBranchActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Probabilistic Branch Action'.SeffProbabilisticBranchImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Probabilistic Branch'.SEFFProbabilisticBranchImpl An implementation of the model object 'SEFF Probabilistic Branch'.SeffReferenceParameter A representation of the model object 'Seff Reference Parameter'.SeffReferenceParameterImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Reference Parameter'.SeffReleaseAction A representation of the model object 'Seff Release Action'.SeffReleaseActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Release Action'.SeffReturnParameter A representation of the model object 'Seff Return Parameter'.SeffReturnParameterImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Return Parameter'.SEFFSetAction A representation of the model object 'SEFF Set Action'.SEFFSetActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'SEFF Set Action'.SeffSetReturnAction A representation of the model object 'Seff Set Return Action'.SeffSetReturnActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Set Return Action'.SeffSetVariableAction A representation of the model object 'Seff Set Variable Action'.SeffSetVariableActionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Set Variable Action'.SeffVariableChar A representation of the model object 'Seff Variable Char'.SeffVariableCharImpl An implementation of the model object 'Seff Variable Char'.Signature A representation of the model object 'Signature'.Signature A representation of the model object 'Signature'.SignatureImpl An implementation of the model object 'Signature'.SignatureImpl An implementation of the model object 'Signature'.SignatureParameter A representation of the model object 'Signature Parameter'.SignatureParameterImpl An implementation of the model object 'Signature Parameter'.StandaloneRepoLangImportURIGlobalScopeProvider SubSeff A representation of the model object 'Sub Seff'.SubSeffImpl An implementation of the model object 'Sub Seff'.System A representation of the model object 'System'.SystemImpl An implementation of the model object 'System'.SystemProvidedRole A representation of the model object 'System Provided Role'.SystemProvidedRoleImpl An implementation of the model object 'System Provided Role'.TpcmActivator This class was generated.TPCMAntlrTokenFileProvider TPCMConfigurableIssueCodesProvider TPCMDescriptionLabelProvider Provides labels for IEObjectDescriptions and IResourceDescriptions.TPCMExecutableExtensionFactory This class was generated.TPCMGenerator Generates code from your model files on save.TPCMGrammarAccess TPCMIdeModule Use this class to register ide components.TPCMIdeSetup Initialization support for running Xtext languages as language servers.TPCMImportUriGlobalScopeProvider TPCMLabelProvider Provides labels for EObjects.TPCMOutlineTreeProvider Customization of the default outline structure.TPCMParser TPCMParser TPCMParser.NameMappings TPCMProposalProvider See on how to customize the content assistant.TPCMQualifiedNameConverter TPCMQualifiedNameProvider TPCMQuickfixProvider Custom quickfixes.TPCMResourceDescriptionStrategy TPCMRuntimeModule Use this class to register components to be used at runtime / without the Equinox extension registry.TPCMScopeProvider This class contains custom scoping description.TPCMSemanticSequencer TPCMStandaloneSetup Initialization support for running Xtext languages without Equinox extension registry.TPCMStandaloneSetupGenerated TPCMSyntacticSequencer TPCMUiModule Use this class to register components to be used within the Eclipse IDE.TPCMValidator This class contains custom validation rules.TPCMValidatorConfigurationBlock Usage A representation of the model object 'Usage'.UsageContent A representation of the model object 'Usage Content'.UsageContentImpl An implementation of the model object 'Usage Content'.UsageImpl An implementation of the model object 'Usage'.UsageScenario A representation of the model object 'Usage Scenario'.UsageScenarioImpl An implementation of the model object 'Usage Scenario'.Workload A representation of the model object 'Workload'.WorkloadImpl An implementation of the model object 'Workload'.