Class PCMEntityHelper

  • public class PCMEntityHelper
    extends Object
    Provides helper methods for PCM entities implementing the Entity interface.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PCMEntityHelper

        public PCMEntityHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public static String toString​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity entity)
        Builds a string representation of an entity. The returned string contains the entities's name, class name and ID.
        entity - the entity which is to be represented by a string
        the string representation
      • equals

        public static boolean equals​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity e1,
                                     org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity e2)
        Checks whether the passed entities are equal. Two entities are regarded to be equal if they carry the same ID.
        e1 - the first entity
        e2 - the second entity
        true if e1 and e2 are equal; false else.